Monday, June 22, 2015

A Minimalist - Cleaning Faster

You should know that its easier to clean your home when it has less stuff sitting around .

Growing up without a mother aka house cleaner ,  I had to do it myself with the help of my little sister while my dad worked . My dad made sure he showed his appreciation and gave us each an allowance for keeping the house clean .

Now that I am grown and I have to care for myself , my home and my lawn I see that I keep up with the cleaning not because I was raised this way but because its healthy . I do not have any colds / flu , I do not  have any stomach / intestinal issues due to germs from bacteria .

I am not saying I am a slave to cleaning either .For instance ; When you become a minimalist you are not worried about moving stuff to wipe your counter off where you prep your food , you just naturally wipe it off when washing dishes , its clean ! No extra effort .

For the most part I clean once a week and that includes Sweeping and mopping the floors , Dusting all the furniture and cleaning the bathroom . I do wipe down the kitchen every day because I do cook everyday and wash dishes . Laundry should be washed twice a week for a couple of people but if the house is full , you may have to deal with that daily .

BUT daily I keep things picked up and put away . Since you do have things in their place its so easy to keep clean.

I know this may seem overwhelming but just try it on the same day every week and you`ll see its not as hard as you thought .
By Andria Perry

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