Wednesday, December 27, 2017

The 2017 Resolutions - How Did I Do For The Year Past?

Its now the end of the 2017 year and I am ready to reflect on what I did accomplish and what I did not and see if I can find reason why I failed.

Life is so unpredictable that sometimes we will get off track, not because we want to but because we do not have a choice, and 2017 was one hell`va ride for me.

Now lets take a look back, At December too, to see just what I did get done toward my resolutions for the year, remember I make two easy and two hard each year, sometimes I make them all but more than likely its three out of four.

This year I also picked a word for my year, what I wish to accomplish. My word for the year is : Satisfaction. I picked this word because I want to feel satisfied with everything I do in the year 2017.

My 2017 resolutions are :

1 - Buy Solar Panels and the accessories - Get off the grid

Nope! I did not do anything toward this resolution in December. But I did learn a valuable lesson. We had a snow storm come through that left us with around 8 inches of snow and we lost power. Losing power meant no heat at all and the only lights I had were 4 solar power lights I bought for the outdoors and candles. Having no heat was the worst! 

Although I do have a fireplace it has never been checked out, so after 24 hours without heat Tony looked up inside and ok`ed it and we fired it up.

To cook I do have a gas grill so that was not the problem, Plus he did go and buy us food more than once.

So either I get some type of solar power going here sooner than later or I will convert this total electric home into more gas powered and more wood burning, especially for heat.

There is nothing like a couple days of getting kicked in the butt to make things come together.

This resolution is a fail for the year of 2017

 2 - Write more- Finish the book and write another. Blog more for money

Once again in December I did not accomplish anything as far as writing. Why? Two weeks of the month I was sick with the flu. I could barely eat much less set up and write.

As for the year of 2017 this is a complete fail, I was to busy or to lazy.

However, I did set up google adsense and Amazon on my blogs, no money made yet but I have to start somewhere.

3 - Lose 25 pounds and get back on a vegetarian diet

Well December I did drop a few pounds but it was from being sick. 

But how much did I drop for the year? Did I make it back to vegetarian?

No and No.

However I did drop 10 pounds and I kept that off and I have been eating more and more animal free meals.

As for the year of 2017 this resolution was 40% accomplished.

4 - Learn to ask people for help

I can say that I did not and probably will not be asking people for any help. Not that some people won`t help but most are the type that says "How will I benefit?" so I walk away from this ever happening.

As for the year of 2017 this resolution was 100% fail.

I did make some pretty big resolutions for 2017 even though I was a 24/7 caregiver and a full time landlady, Plus running the homestead alone.

I hit rock bottom a couple of times in 2017 and I have often questioned should I stay where I am or cut my losses and move on. 2018 Will be the year of many decisions, most of them in January because time is money, either saved or wasted.

How did you do on your resolutions for 2017? What about your word?  My word "satisfaction" was indeed accomplished because I did get satisfaction for the work I did all year.

By Andria Perry
Photos By Andria Perry

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

My Minimal Hoarding Life - Life In December

Ahhhh, here we are in December, one of the busiest months of the year. Parties! Friends and family coming over. A clean and decorated home.


Not so much.

The past few weeks were planned to perfection, do this first and then that, Line up the baking and get those cookies delivered. 

Clean up the house because of those unexpected guest and so on.


Its snows and takes the power, you cannot do much without power or heat.

The next week is those stacked appointments, get those out of the way and we are good to go till next year.


You get sick. Yes, you caught the flu and it puts you down! I mean down and you do not care to get back up, who cares about clean and neat? Who cares about food? 

Now here I am just a five days from Christmas and I have nothing accomplished but staying alive.


Ya know what? None of it matters. I have been slow and steady all year and although I am not pleased with the house not being cleaned and clear of clutter for Christmas, it really does not matter.

I did not clean the house.

I did not clean out the car and get it to my sisters.

I did not clean out the other car and get it to the repair shop.

I did not get Tony`s truck cleaned and listed for sale.

I did not bake anything! 

I did not do anything at all.


I will make the best of Christmas and cook a wonderful meal. 

Bake, next week and give the cookies out with love and not with the flu attached. 

I also plan to set this very nice fake Christmas tree I have out on the deck and give it a good rinse off to remove dust before storing another year.

And there, that is how life happens sometimes. 

I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

By Andria Perry
Photo by Andria Perry

We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.”

Thursday, November 30, 2017

The 2017 Resolutions - Check In For November - What Did I Accomplish?

Now lets tale a look back at the month of November and see just what I did get done toward my resolutions for the year, remember I make two easy and two hard each year, sometimes I make them all but more than likely its three out of four.

This year I also picked a word for my year, what I wish to accomplish. My word for the year is : Satisfaction. I picked this word because I want to feel satisfied with everything I do in the year 2017.

My 2017 resolutions are :

1 - Buy Solar Panels and the accessories - Get off the grid

Nope, I have not purchased another solar item. I have looked a few times but not actually shelled out the money, yet.

In October I got the greenhouse up and a few plants inside but I was fast to learn I will have to do this or that everyday. So I have put off growing anything as far as food wise because of the holidays and I may not be home daily to do the air in and out thing. Purchased water barrels for the so called solar heat that they will emit inside the greenhouse. I am learning as I go, even with the greenhouse.

I figured if I am to get off the grid I need to learn to grown my food all year long.

A 50/50 success rate.

 2 - Write more- Finish the book and write another. Blog more for money

I have gotten back to writing but not as much as I would like. 

As far as the books are concerned that is a no, I have not worked on those at all. 

As far as blogging I am doing more and I have added ads to my blogs so hopefully I will make some money.

A 50/50 success rate.

These are two other blogs I write  -  get off the grid  And  Cooking with Angie

3 - Lose 25 pounds and get back on a vegetarian diet

Well this one is a big fat no. 

I am having more vegetarian or vegan days but I am not off meats altogether as I wanted to be.

Weight loss? Nope I am stuck and cannot get off anymore weight.

100 % fail!

4 - Learn to ask people for help

A complete repeat from last month.

This resolution is the hardest one of all, I have always hated to be needy. People become mean if they think they have something you need, even if its just a ride and or to talk to about a problem.

I cannot say I asked for anything from anyone last month. Nothing comes to mind.

So this one is a fail 100% I am not cut out to ask for help, I am to dang independent or hard headed, one or the other. 

November was not my month to get things done toward my resolutions but that is not to say I did not accomplish things in other areas of my life. Regardless if I work on my resolutions are not I am moving forward and working, I am not really sitting idle waiting for life to happen.

In life we never know what will happen day by day, Just when you think that you did not get anywhere with the resolutions you made for this year, you look back and find that you accomplished a resolution from last year or the year before. 

Life is funny like that.

By Andria Perry
Photos By Andria Perry

Sunday, November 26, 2017

My Minimal Hoarding Life - Anything Counts

Ahh, the months of the holidays, Some like to do a special cleaning but sometimes the way life is just cleaning anything counts. 

We pull out more to have to dust but hey its the holidays! Right? I have learned to put other things in the empty boxes from where the decorations came so that its not piled upon each other. Just the Christmas items displayed for these few weeks.

Since I did not have a huge get together on Thanksgiving day and I spent the evening alone I decided to clean up the house. 

 What Got cleaned? :

I stripped Tony`s bed and got a load of laundry going.

I began in the living room and I vacuumed and dusted that room. Next was the connecting dining room, it got the same a good vacuuming and dusting. 

In the kitchen I cleaned up the dishes and whipped down all the counter tops, I swept and mopped the floors, I also dusted, swept and mopped the connecting breakfast nook.

Last thing I accomplished for this one evening was I filed all the paperwork and went through all the coupons and filed or threw them away.

Yesterday I got to my bedroom and I stripped my bed sheets, washed a load of clothes.

I was still tired from going to work on Friday I did not do nothing else, just kept up what I had already cleaned.

And we all know the daily washing the dishes (I hand wash) and its back down again to washing laundry a couple times a week and a couple loads each time but in the Winter with the pants, jeans, socks and long sleeve shirts seems I always have that extra load, its much easier in the Summer with the shorts and little t-shirts.

What is new? 

I cannot recall buying anything but I do seem to be getting rid of more around here but for the most part its trash.

For The month of November I only bought newspapers once for the coupons so I have even slowed down in that area as well.

The Plan :

Well, the plan that I wanted to accomplish did not make it, working outside, it seems like I had to work every single day and the hours were such that I had no daylight left when I got home. I am somewhat getting adjusted to the new Winter hours and I am learning to work outside in the day and clean after dark.

So, that is still the plan! I need to clean the garage and shed.

I had also planned to clean my closet, I did not but it has to be done sooner or later, I need long sleeve shirts.

At work, I was looking around the old homestead and there is nothing there of real value and I was thinking about where to take and give this stuff away, a place or to people? Just thinking about how much easier it would be to clean it up and get it painted.

Nowadays I have to look at life as "anything counts" when cleaning or getting rid of things, small or big.

How well are you doing during the holidays? Can you part with things? Have you asked for things? 

By Andria Perry
Photos By Andria Perry

We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon. com and affiliated sites.”

Sunday, November 12, 2017

My Minimal Hoarding Life - Am I Normal?

November 13, 2017

Minimal can be a struggle. Hoarding can be a struggle. Reaching that middle comfortable area is where I wanna be.

If you are embarrassed for anyone to see it, then its time to get rid of it or clean it.

I have felt this way for a while now. I am embarrassed about how the garage and shed looks, the wind has blown things over and some out into the rain ruining it.

The Weekend :

Saturday I began the long and slow process, I did have to add stuff but I also cleaned up a section, hoping that all snakes have went into hibernation. I am a long way from getting this area complete but I did start by taking a trunk filled with trash in bags to the office trash can, filled it to the max.
Sunday I did the normal cleaning around the house that included vacuuming all the rooms and wiping down the living room, not dusting but wiping it down with a wet cloth and then using a dry cloth. 

I did what I call a job not finished to my bathroom, I cleaned the sink and toilet but did bot tackle the shower. 

Washing clothing and washing sheets was the deal. I had a load of colors and a load of jeans, next was bed sheets and towels, I feel like I am always folding clothes and putting them away. I chose to use the dryer and not hang them out.

I did not buy coupons this week so not clipping and filing. I did file all the paperwork so the dining table is clear.

What is new? 

This week I bought myself a pair of jeans, I had too I am low on pants, I have several pair but one pair fits just right, if I am bloated any, can`t wear them. The other pair is straight leg and one pair drags the ground and needs hemmed. The new pair is looser but just right in length. 

I also bought a load of lumber, its seconds but that is okay, at times with the rentals I need a board to fix something and it does not have to be pretty because usually its not seen.

What Left The House? :

While I was working inside Tony finished the electric fence so all that stuff is not longer in the breakfast nook. 

Magazines are in the car ready to go to my sisters.

The Plan :

The plan for this week is to finish cleaning the house and clean out the closet, switch Summer clothes for Winter. And possibly getting rid of some of them.

Get another load in trash bags, cleaned up from the garage. 

If I can manage this little while still working I will be doing good.

Life can look messy even being minimal but with the right organizing tools, containers and cleaners you can have stuff and it look very nice on your home. 

How was your past week? Did you clean something or  toss something in the trash?

By Andria Perry
Photos by Andria Perry

We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.”

Sunday, November 5, 2017

My Minimal Hoarding Life - Lazy Days Over?

November 5, 2017

That moment when life feels like Deja vu and you stop and think " I feel like I have already been within this moment in time." But you carry on and let that moment pass.

However, I do feel like some things have already happened before or that they happen for a reason.

I know I am overworked with not enough rest and with that being said I threw caution out with the wind and did something very stupid, I cut down poison oak vines, not just any but straight off the mother vine that is now as big as a small tree. 

A few days later I wake covered in a rash that did become giant blisters before the day was over. I treated it as I always do but it seemed that each day it got worst and worst, so I ended up at the clinic and on prescription medication. I was completely stopped from working outside and for the most part in public with wrapped itching arms, or full show of leaking blisters. 


This careless lack of good judgment caused me even more work, I have to back tack to everything I touched that whole day that I was clearing the small area in the backyard.

I wiped off every door knob and handle in the house with hot soapy water to begin with.

Next I took off the bed sheets and made sure that every time I wore an outfit it was washed. 

I also wiped down the inside if the car, just in case.

To The Normal Cleaning :

I have been battling laundry, especially this week, seems I get three loads done and I see another three waiting. But I have been dealing with this and doing well washing, drying and folding, plus putting them up, right away.

I had a day or so that I was so.... feeling bad with this rash I let the dishes go and Tony washed those :) but since then I have kept the dishes washed and put away. I have cleaned the microwave. 

I scrubbed the main bathroom, swept and mopped. I also changed the bathroom rug.

I have filed all the paperwork and went through the coupons, filed the ones I kept. This cleaned off the dining room table.

I have the recyclables ready in the car to be taken off tomorrow.

Last week I brought in eight house plants/ tree, I keep the mother plants and put the plants I plan to sell down in the new greenhouse. This makes the house feel so good because I am not cluttered up with plants all over the place. 

Outside : 

When I took all the plants down to the greenhouse I did a massive cleaning on the front deck, nothing left but the table and chairs and the grill. I also cleaned those two windows outside and the glass screen door.

I mowed the front field down and started on the back field. Cut down and cleaned off grown over shrubs in the back yard.

What is New? 

I did buy a new bathroom rug last week, an unplanned buy. It was $20, marked down to $5.80. Its also a purplish color so I can swap it out when the other one needs washing and hung out to dry.

Within the past few weeks I have bought new shoes, a pair of walking shoes and a pain of what are called riding boots.

What has left? 

Nothing. I have not gave away anything, well besides a bottle of lotion and some food items to my sister but nothing as part of bring one in and take one out. I will work on that this week.

In my own defense, I will say I am working two full time jobs and doing 98% of the homestead alone. Not to bad for a working sickly girl, huh? And a wonderful excuse. 

By Andria Perry
Photos By Andria Perry

Monday, October 30, 2017

The 2017 Resolutions - Check In For October - What Did I Accomplish?

October 30, 2017

Now lets tale a look back at the month of October and see just what I did get done toward my resolutions for the year, remember I make two easy and two hard each year, sometimes I make them all but more than likely its three out of four.

This year I also picked a word for my year, what I wish to accomplish. My word for the year is : Satisfaction. I picked this word because I want to feel satisfied with everything I do in the year 2017.

My 2017 resolutions are :

1 - Buy Solar Panels and the accessories - Get off the grid

See I am not one to "just do it" and learn after the fact. I do my homework and I have to know the prices and if its doable for me. Where one year I dried laundry outside, just about every load, but this was the rainy year and there was no way to get this done like I did the year before, so I used more power. Plus I still have not decided to go all solar or solar feeding the power company my extra. I need to be careful about making the expensive decision, plus I still am not sure if I will move or not.


I did get the green house up and going. I used the plastic pipe and the super thick mil of plastic so this one is portable if I chose to move. 

What I did different was th size, my instructions called for a 10 x 12 foot but I can tell you now that was to small because I am also heating it with the sun, but I have not got that part done. I made it a 10 x 24, yes I doubled the length and when I add the heat source it will feel smaller.

Although I did not buy anything solar I still feel like I am moving forward so this month I will call a  100% success.

 2 - Write more- Finish the book and write another. Blog more for money

Nope, those books are still waiting, two half done and the other still mostly in my head.

But I have started to blog more. I, just this past week, am writing the "Cooking with Angie" blog again and I am linking it to "Learning to live free" blog. Why? Because I home can a lot of foods and some want to know how to make meals from those jars of food.

I have also began to put up a article on Virily, although I do not have much time to spend there I am slowly building my bank and will cash out sooner or later.

So I have to say I think I am improving on this goal. 75% is what I will go with this month.

3 - Lose 25 pounds and get back on a vegetarian diet

This is the one hard resolution I was talking about. I did drop around 10 pounds when I began in January but then I bounced up and down all year but never getting back up to the beginning weight number. 

However, I have gained so much muscle its unreal! Since I have been solo for 90% of this year on all the work I have been doing the work of a man, so I wonder if my fat went down and my muscle mass went up?

All my Winter clothes still fit and some of the tops are to big, so who knows? What I do know is that I wont lose 20 pounds in three months.

I do not know how to rate this one, maybe 50/50? 

4 - Learn to ask people for help

This resolution is the hardest one of all, I have always hated to be needy. People become mean if they think they have something you need, even if its just a ride and or to talk to about a problem.

I cannot say I asked for anything from anyone last month. Nothing comes to mind.

So this one is a fail 100% I am not cut out to ask for help, I am to dang independent or hard headed, one or the other. 

As I look back I did a little better this month, July was the month from hell and August has flew by. September was  an improvement. October was a huge shift and went well. If its Gods will November will be an awesome month for me and I will do something to improve each one of my yearly goals.

How about you? Have to checked in on what you wanted from life back at the beginning of the year?

For a look back at July click here : The month from Hell! 

For a look back at August click here : Time Flies!  

For a look back at September click here : Things Change 

By Andria Perry
Photo By Andria Perry