Wednesday, January 30, 2019

My Minimal Hoarding Life - 2019 Resolution - January Check In

Wow! A month already gone but that is life, we have to make the best of the time we have because before you know it, time has slipped passed us. Don`t put off what we can do today till tomorrow.

I make four resolutions to accomplish each year. Some years I make it with all of them, some years I do not. Usually two are easy and two are hard.

I usually make a word, or phrase, of how I plan to be for the year and this year I have chosen " Dream it, Do It." I chose this because I am making my dreams come true a little at a time, the time to get them finished is now, year 2019!

Here are my 2019 resolutions :

1 - Reduce Spending By Half

I have to say that this one is a 100% accomplishment! I have stayed home more working on things that matter instead of bringing more clutter into my house. I have tossed out all the "invites" for the cheap magazines, resisted the temptation and it was not that hard since I never have time to read them anyways. I did not do any clearance rack buys and I have not over bought at the grocery store.

Now I need to find a way to save on this heating bill and I will be on a roll!

2 - Reduce Stuff By Half

This one will take some time, however, I have started.

For the most part I have cleaned up and hauled off things outside, but outside is a place of home. I took a couple black trash bags filled with plastic to the recycle bin, I also trashed a couple bags.

I have a pile of metal to haul off as well as some old large throw rugs. I do have this sorted and ready to go.

I will say I did about 10% work on this one.

3 - Set Up Sunshine`s Homestead Creations Store

This is where most of my time has been spent.

I have a space to put a building to use for the store but the problem is that it has to be cleared of brush and trees, it also is the bone yard, so to speak, for the rental houses. A cement block here, windows there, garden trimming and more.

A couple hours a day, on warm days, I have been cutting down trees and clipping down bushes and vines. I have a spot clean! I just have to move the windows and its ready for the building to be moved and set up. 

Not all the way there but 100% accomplishments for working in this one extremely hard.

4 -  Cut Out Sweets - Kick diabetes ass!

I mentioned when I wrote out this list that it would be easy this year but...... I make a face here..... I have failed 100% on this resolution. I think I ate more sweets this month than I did in December.

I will keep trying, its harder than you think!

So, that is how I am doing with my 2019 new year resolutions, how are you doing with yours?

By Andria Perry
Photos by Pixabay

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

My Minimal Hoarding Life - The 3rd. Week

For some people January is a long month with five weeks of cold that is never ending because they are stuck inside. I have to say that its a typical month for Alabama, cold and hot in each week.

With that being said I get to split up my work days around the homestead, some days outside and some days inside only without a planned calendar like in the spring to winter months. Winter is unpredictable. 

I have made such an impact outside cleaning and clearing out things that I have to say I am proud of myself.

Inside? Not so much but I try to save the inside work for those cold and rainy days. But that is not to say I have been slacking completely. 

Progress Outside :

Each hour of work I can see my vision coming into reality, each snip, each branch pulled to the curb, each time I rake up a pile of dead leaves.

I got a couple more large black trash bags filled and into the trash can, all from up in the bushes, hidden.

I am far from done but I feel it coming.

I hauled off all the recyclables and I received $9.10 for the aluminum cans.

Inside :

I have taken out a few things from under the cabinets in the kitchen, I would say "not on purpose" but when I was getting something out to use and I seen that item and told myself " I don`t use this and I can`t think of when I will" and I sat it by the back door, plastic goes to the recycle bin anything else to the donation box.

I am at the point that the inside of my house has no trash, except the normal trash from the kitchen, it has things. So I now decide what things I want to keep and what things to say " I have had enough" and send them out for someone else to enjoy.

I am managing to keep the dishes washed and put away daily, only skipping one night.  

I am keeping the laundry done and put away.

I change the bed sheets on all beds at least once a week, I even turned my mattress and what a good nights sleep I got!

This week I have to clean the bathrooms and dust. I have vacuumed the whole house but its due again before dusting. I need to mop the kitchen. House work is never ending.

How about you? Made any progress?

By Andria Perry
Photos by Andria Perry and Pixabay

Sunday, January 13, 2019

My Minimal Hoarding Life - Two Weeks

We are two weeks into the new year so I thought I should do an update about how I am getting things done, or not.

Area that now dead for winter but  where I am working

Outside - done :

I am doing a massive clean up outside. I have cut down what bushes and stray grass has grown over. I have removed "trash," what had blown into the wooded area and a few things that were put there against my better judgment, because I knew in no time flat it would rot and be trash, but some of you know how that goes, you get the old " I live here too" line, so I allowed it to rot and now I clean it up. 

From that area I got a huge black trash bag filled with trash, metal to go to the scrap yard to recycle, blocks to be reused on an upcoming project. I have the cut down bushes and I can either chop it up to burn in the rocket stove or I can can take it to the curb to be hauled off.

Inside - weekly :

I have taken the recyclable plastic, paper and cardboard to the drop off bin. I have all the aluminum cans bagged up, out in the garage and ready to take off.

I changed the bed sheets.

I have the laundry done and put away. 

I have the dishes washed, dried and put away.

What needs to be done? 

I need to vacuum and dust.

What would I like to accomplish the last couple weeks of January? 

I would like to go through the closets again, make another "get rid" of sweep, from all of them.

I would like to go through my books and separate the reference books from the novels, decided if I need to keep the novels. 

And finish up the area of woods by the driveway for the new building. 

I have a long list so I better get busy!

How are you doing this New Year? 

By Andria Perry
Photos by Andria Perry