Wednesday, December 2, 2020

My Minimal Hoarding Life - 2020 Resolution - November Check In


I make four resolutions, or goals, to accomplish each year. Some years I make it with all of them, some years I don`t. Usually two are easy and two are hard.

I make a word, or phrase, of how I plan to be for the year and this year I have chosen "Thrive" because this is the first year of the next half of my life, a new beginning and a new me.

Here are my 2020 resolutions :

1 - Publish A Book

Absolutely not! 

I did look at a publishing company but I did not find out anything. I really don`t want to self publish but seems like that its probably the only way at this point. 

100% did not work at this goal at all in November.

2 - Make New Friends

Yes I am sure I did make a new friend, she said seems like God sent me to her and that she feels like she can trust me. However, I have heard that line before just as I was stabbed in the back with lies, so I will have to see how this new friendship turns out.

Yes I will say worked on this one 100%

3 - New Job/Career

Am I chasing something that does not need to be chased? That is the question for this moment. I mean ... do I need to change this or is it just a want?

I have always heard " if its not broke don`t fix it," Maybe I am being told by God in a round about way to stop looking for something else and do what you (me) do. With that being said I will let all control go  and say " God, lets do this" and allow him to show me where and what to do.

100% did nothing to change anything.

4 - Take A Vacation

How many times did I say I need a vacation in November? Lots! but no I did not get away but... we did do a few stay-cations. Just being at home and doing absolutely nothing was awesome.

This last week of November was one of those doing nothing weeks, waking whenever, loving whenever and eating whenever. 

100% did not but 100% loved life.

There ya go, that shows how life works, sometimes you get good months with plenty of accomplishments toward your years resolutions/goals and sometimes you don`t.

There is 1 month left in this fabulous year of 2020, Let`s see what  life has for me.

How are you doing with the 2020 resolutions?

By Andria Perry

Photos by Andria Perry