Wednesday, December 27, 2017

The 2017 Resolutions - How Did I Do For The Year Past?

Its now the end of the 2017 year and I am ready to reflect on what I did accomplish and what I did not and see if I can find reason why I failed.

Life is so unpredictable that sometimes we will get off track, not because we want to but because we do not have a choice, and 2017 was one hell`va ride for me.

Now lets take a look back, At December too, to see just what I did get done toward my resolutions for the year, remember I make two easy and two hard each year, sometimes I make them all but more than likely its three out of four.

This year I also picked a word for my year, what I wish to accomplish. My word for the year is : Satisfaction. I picked this word because I want to feel satisfied with everything I do in the year 2017.

My 2017 resolutions are :

1 - Buy Solar Panels and the accessories - Get off the grid

Nope! I did not do anything toward this resolution in December. But I did learn a valuable lesson. We had a snow storm come through that left us with around 8 inches of snow and we lost power. Losing power meant no heat at all and the only lights I had were 4 solar power lights I bought for the outdoors and candles. Having no heat was the worst! 

Although I do have a fireplace it has never been checked out, so after 24 hours without heat Tony looked up inside and ok`ed it and we fired it up.

To cook I do have a gas grill so that was not the problem, Plus he did go and buy us food more than once.

So either I get some type of solar power going here sooner than later or I will convert this total electric home into more gas powered and more wood burning, especially for heat.

There is nothing like a couple days of getting kicked in the butt to make things come together.

This resolution is a fail for the year of 2017

 2 - Write more- Finish the book and write another. Blog more for money

Once again in December I did not accomplish anything as far as writing. Why? Two weeks of the month I was sick with the flu. I could barely eat much less set up and write.

As for the year of 2017 this is a complete fail, I was to busy or to lazy.

However, I did set up google adsense and Amazon on my blogs, no money made yet but I have to start somewhere.

3 - Lose 25 pounds and get back on a vegetarian diet

Well December I did drop a few pounds but it was from being sick. 

But how much did I drop for the year? Did I make it back to vegetarian?

No and No.

However I did drop 10 pounds and I kept that off and I have been eating more and more animal free meals.

As for the year of 2017 this resolution was 40% accomplished.

4 - Learn to ask people for help

I can say that I did not and probably will not be asking people for any help. Not that some people won`t help but most are the type that says "How will I benefit?" so I walk away from this ever happening.

As for the year of 2017 this resolution was 100% fail.

I did make some pretty big resolutions for 2017 even though I was a 24/7 caregiver and a full time landlady, Plus running the homestead alone.

I hit rock bottom a couple of times in 2017 and I have often questioned should I stay where I am or cut my losses and move on. 2018 Will be the year of many decisions, most of them in January because time is money, either saved or wasted.

How did you do on your resolutions for 2017? What about your word?  My word "satisfaction" was indeed accomplished because I did get satisfaction for the work I did all year.

By Andria Perry
Photos By Andria Perry

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

My Minimal Hoarding Life - Life In December

Ahhhh, here we are in December, one of the busiest months of the year. Parties! Friends and family coming over. A clean and decorated home.


Not so much.

The past few weeks were planned to perfection, do this first and then that, Line up the baking and get those cookies delivered. 

Clean up the house because of those unexpected guest and so on.


Its snows and takes the power, you cannot do much without power or heat.

The next week is those stacked appointments, get those out of the way and we are good to go till next year.


You get sick. Yes, you caught the flu and it puts you down! I mean down and you do not care to get back up, who cares about clean and neat? Who cares about food? 

Now here I am just a five days from Christmas and I have nothing accomplished but staying alive.


Ya know what? None of it matters. I have been slow and steady all year and although I am not pleased with the house not being cleaned and clear of clutter for Christmas, it really does not matter.

I did not clean the house.

I did not clean out the car and get it to my sisters.

I did not clean out the other car and get it to the repair shop.

I did not get Tony`s truck cleaned and listed for sale.

I did not bake anything! 

I did not do anything at all.


I will make the best of Christmas and cook a wonderful meal. 

Bake, next week and give the cookies out with love and not with the flu attached. 

I also plan to set this very nice fake Christmas tree I have out on the deck and give it a good rinse off to remove dust before storing another year.

And there, that is how life happens sometimes. 

I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

By Andria Perry
Photo by Andria Perry

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