Sunday, November 26, 2017

My Minimal Hoarding Life - Anything Counts

Ahh, the months of the holidays, Some like to do a special cleaning but sometimes the way life is just cleaning anything counts. 

We pull out more to have to dust but hey its the holidays! Right? I have learned to put other things in the empty boxes from where the decorations came so that its not piled upon each other. Just the Christmas items displayed for these few weeks.

Since I did not have a huge get together on Thanksgiving day and I spent the evening alone I decided to clean up the house. 

 What Got cleaned? :

I stripped Tony`s bed and got a load of laundry going.

I began in the living room and I vacuumed and dusted that room. Next was the connecting dining room, it got the same a good vacuuming and dusting. 

In the kitchen I cleaned up the dishes and whipped down all the counter tops, I swept and mopped the floors, I also dusted, swept and mopped the connecting breakfast nook.

Last thing I accomplished for this one evening was I filed all the paperwork and went through all the coupons and filed or threw them away.

Yesterday I got to my bedroom and I stripped my bed sheets, washed a load of clothes.

I was still tired from going to work on Friday I did not do nothing else, just kept up what I had already cleaned.

And we all know the daily washing the dishes (I hand wash) and its back down again to washing laundry a couple times a week and a couple loads each time but in the Winter with the pants, jeans, socks and long sleeve shirts seems I always have that extra load, its much easier in the Summer with the shorts and little t-shirts.

What is new? 

I cannot recall buying anything but I do seem to be getting rid of more around here but for the most part its trash.

For The month of November I only bought newspapers once for the coupons so I have even slowed down in that area as well.

The Plan :

Well, the plan that I wanted to accomplish did not make it, working outside, it seems like I had to work every single day and the hours were such that I had no daylight left when I got home. I am somewhat getting adjusted to the new Winter hours and I am learning to work outside in the day and clean after dark.

So, that is still the plan! I need to clean the garage and shed.

I had also planned to clean my closet, I did not but it has to be done sooner or later, I need long sleeve shirts.

At work, I was looking around the old homestead and there is nothing there of real value and I was thinking about where to take and give this stuff away, a place or to people? Just thinking about how much easier it would be to clean it up and get it painted.

Nowadays I have to look at life as "anything counts" when cleaning or getting rid of things, small or big.

How well are you doing during the holidays? Can you part with things? Have you asked for things? 

By Andria Perry
Photos By Andria Perry

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  1. Trying to convince hubby to get rid of some of the kids baby toys to make room for what Christmas is brining in this year. My husband still has toys from HIS childhood. I've about run out of my own stuff to get rid of, unless I start tossing away the things I actually use.

    1. Once this person told me to get rid of stuff that belongs to others in the house little by little and after a while they won`t even notice. I did and its true. Go through those toys, get a small trash bag every few days and donate them.

  2. Been busy cooking this week and cleaning the outside kitchen it seems to get a lot of spiders as it only has mesh doors either end..beacause of the heat and leaves blow in under the door. Finally got rid of a few more fish we had hundreds and there wouldn't have been room for all of them when grown..

  3. Well, we did some cleaning up after Thanksgiving. Since we didn't get a chance before and we had a house full for a couple of days. Now that we cleaned up we're ready for the Christmas decorations. Then we do it all over again!!

    1. LOL, I do know the feeling. I am about to clean the cabinets.

  4. You don't have to throw away your expired can donate them to Coups for Troops, and military members overseas can use them at the PX on base.

    1. I forgot all about sending them over there, I used to do this often, do you have an address?

  5. In the past year, we've gotten rid of quite a few things, but haven't really gotten many new things that weren't really needed. Thankfully, after roaring in, our early winter has paused and warmed up enough that we've been getting rain instead of snow. Now if I can only get the truck running again, I can take a full load to the dump.

  6. I have not had much success with sorting/cleaning/downsizing. And on top of that, I have "hoarder" friends who are trying to give me a lot of "could be useful" stuff for the land. Ugh. I have done okay not accepting all of the donations.

    1. Do what I had to do, on the way home stop at a donation box and leave it.

  7. I am such a hoarder but lately I've been trying to purge. I actually cleaned out the pantry today, next major project will be the MBR walk-in closet. Not sure what I will find in there! LOL

    1. My wwalk in is the closet I need to get cleaned out.

  8. The difference between you and me, besides age and energy, is that you actually work on your to-do list and I tend to pretend all but the really urgent things, like financial and health tasks, aren't there. I guess I'm an ostrich. My body looks at the list and then sits down at the computer. I look at all this stuff and just want to push a button and have it gone from my house, and it doesn't work that way. As my hubby says, all good ideas degenerate into work. I'd rather do just about anything than the decluttering and cleaning. I tell myself it will wait, but the garden can't because it keeps getting worse if I don't deal with it. WE hire help now for the heavy cleaning I can't do, but the decluttering job has my name on it. The most I'm doing about it now is trying to keep from bringing anything into this house we don't need.

  9. I still have to do a lot of cleaning and decorating for Christmas. Today is just a resting time for me after I have worked last Saturday.

  10. I have not even started cleaning and getting things ready for Christmas. I will start this week.

    1. Me too, Hopefully I will get started this coming week.

  11. Stuff accumulates fast, your article has inspired me to get organized, clean out closets and get rid of things I do not use.

    1. I am glad to hear this! Go for it in any way you can find.
