Monday, January 15, 2018

My Minimal Hoarding Life - Clean it - Organize it

Those are the words stuck in my head. Repeat the words and do. Clean it, organize it. Clean it, organize it.

January 8, 2018

I worked on Monday so I did not get much accomplished as far as cleaning or organizing. And I did add to the stockpile but before you roll your eyes and think " this is a joke!" let me tell you what the stock was.

Toilet paper and washing liquid. Cough syrup and over the counter cold medications. Since we are sick right now we needed the over the counter stuff and it was dirt cheap with coupons.  I should not even have to explain toilet paper or washing liquid! That stuff is always being brought in.

With me bringing in stuff, no matter what it is, something has to go out. I am trying my best to stick to this, hard but I am sure its doable.

January 9, 2018

On Tuesday I went by my sisters house and I dropped off one bottle of the scented All washing liquid, I also gave her a bottle of Palmolive dish washing liquid. From cleaning out the office/ ebay closet I gave her a grocery sack filled with T-shirts. From the pantry I have her three packs of Knorr noodles and a box of Zatarain`s rice mix.

Later Tuesday evening I cleaned out another kitchen cabinet. It was boxed foods, rice mixes , pasta mixes and potato mixes. Since I am not allowed any of those with diabetes I will give them away or if they are expired I will cook them for the animals. All that went back in was a bag of croutons. I think I will rearrange the dishes and put not used as often dishes up there.

January 10, 2018

Wednesday - Since I had to go into work mid day, and run errands for medication I did not get as much accomplished as I intended.

Nonetheless, I did three loads of laundry that included washing, drying, folding and putting them all away. Changed Tony`s bed sheets (part of the laundry did) and cleaned the kitchen, meaning washing all the dirty dishes, by hand, from cooking all day, drying them and putting them away.

January 11, 2018

Thursday - My off day, My day to do whatever. For the most part I did not clean the house but worked with my plants. I have seedlings and they were repotted, well some of them were.

The rest of the evening was ruined by a neighbor.

January 12, 2019 

Friday - I got up early but not to do anything around the house, I had places to go and get things done before the three day weekend began. 

I bought diet cokes and produce from Aldi and that was all the shopping I did.

Later in the evening I got a phone call from someone I had tried to make connect with earlier and he asked could he come to my home for a meeting on Saturday, Of coarse!

So I cleaned the house. Mostly it was just stuff needed to be put away. I swept the floors and took out the trash. I picked up the scattered paperwork I was working on and put it neatly on the dining table. Washed up all the dishes. Nothing major.

January 13, 2018

Saturday - since I had company coming I did not start any cleaning or chores. He spent most of the day here talking and getting his I`s dotted and his T`s crossed. When the day was over he was after dark so I just rested and went to bed early.

January 14, 2018

Sunday - Since the house was still in good shape I did not do that much.

I changed my bed sheets and Tony`s bed sheets and washed those, dried and folded and put them away.

I did not feel like cooking so I took Tony out for fish, I had shrimp so minimal dishes to wash and pot away.

I did not buy any newspapers today for coupons because after previewing the inserts I do not use anything offered with coupons this week.

What Came In And Went Out 

Sunday I did scan the CVS and Walgreen sales paper online. 

At CVS I needed to restock the Boost for Tony and I got four 6 packs for $7.00. I bought nothing else.

At Walgreens I wanted a couple cans of pink Salmon at 2 for $5 and a couple packs of butterball turkey bacon 2 packs for $2 so I spent $7.70 there.

I have to say that th past few days nothing went out but trash and recyclables. There was just to much going on to start ripping the closets apart, or even loading the car with things that needs to go. I am sure that I will get something accomplished this coming week.

How did you manage last week? 

By Andria Perry
Photos by Andria Perry

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  1. Man, did you have a busy week. I am always amazed at how much you do.

  2. Wow Angie where do you get your energy you make me feel tired just reading get through an amazing amount of chores in a week...

  3. Not a lot was done for most of the week due to snow. BUT we really loaded up on food. There is only one grocery store in town, but there is also the corner store. This is dented, overstock goods, off brands, and so forth and it is sold by and for the mentally challenged people in town. The prices are good anyway; about 35% to 60% of what would be paid in a regular store. However, they had a box sale. It was $10 per box and you could put whatever you wanted in the boxes. We got 5 boxes of food, including 5 bags of whole wheat flour, 7 boxes of grits (for the chickens), olive oil, and a bunch of other stuff. I went to the effort of counting and adding their normal prices for everything and we paid $50 for just a hair over $500 in food. At a regular store, the food would have cost about $800-900. There is no such thing as getting too much, either, since the chickens are very happy to eat what we don't.

    1. I used to shop at the dent can store, bu there is not one around anymore.

  4. It is not how much you do each day, but that you keep trying every day!

    1. I agree. But I am not one to give up, maybe one day but then the next day I get back at it.

  5. You have a busy week whether you're doing heavy work or just everyday work!
