Sunday, September 2, 2018

My Minimal Hoarding Life - 2018 August Resolution Check In

Wow! A month already gone but that is life, we have to make the best of the time we have because before you know it, time has slipped passed us. Don`t put off what we can do today till tomorrow.

I make four resolutions, or goals, to accomplish each year. Some years I make it with all of them, some years I do not. Usually two are easy and two are hard.

I have began to pick a word, or words, that I try to also apply to my life for the year. This year I chose the words "No Regrets" because I do not want to regret a single thing I go for this year, whether I make it all the way or I fail, I will learn either way and make myself better.

What are my resolutions? 

1- Stop buying - Grow more

Hmm, I really do have to think about this one. I am sure I have slowed down on buying most things. 

After all why should I keep buying when I don`t need anything? The best way to do this is to stay out of the stores so there is no temptation at all, then you know that you have all you need already.

I have bought supplies for the new store but if its going to be a store and sell body products, you cannot use recycled stuff! Not in the sense of already used bottles, that would be just gross!

Since the coupons offered each week in the newspaper are now nothing more than a joke ( .25 of three?! are they for real?) I will not buy the paper and I will not buy more than what I need to use a coupon. I am no longer buying  the paper, I just print for the dog and cat food, and the toilet paper.

As for buying food, Yes I still buy chicken, fish and beef. I have had to buy many vegetables this year because my garden did not do so well, but I still am stocked with home canned and tin can foods for later.

 I`m gonna say this is an improvement since July, 75% accomplishment.

2 - Clear land - Set up rentals

If anything this is going in reverse. I have had to use this land for the small limbs left behind from the storm, the large wood from the tree was given to a man with a fire place.

Although I have talked to people, and I have the plan, nothing has been done, no one has shown up. 

100% fail.

3 - Clean, declutter and organize

Yes! I am clearing more and more out, keeping things together.

First I did buy a few tubs, small shoe box size, for Sunshine`s homestead creations, the new store. This was only to keep the products separated and clean. I have stock on one end of this extremely long table, packaging in the middle and materials on the other end. The soap making products have their own box under the table.

The rest of th house is not bad at all, I just need to do weekly cleaning. As for the fields, the rain stopped and I have those under control. 

Now for another job, the old home place that may become a rental again or maybe I will move back, who knows? I have been cleaning out more from the old home place. I know, I know! Sounds like that house was packed. Well, in a way it was but not like on t.v. hoarding. When I moved 10 years ago I left it all but a truck load. That meant 20 years of stuff, stuff I did not need nor wanted. I had the major set back when all the trees got hit by a storm, this house was the worst, although it did not make the roof leak it had a tree laying on it. That is almost done, all the tree is off the house but one more limb that is in tack will come down with the rest of that tree. Anyways, while the  hired men work out there I am cleaning inside, everything goes, it is getting gutted to the 2 x 4`s.

This has also improved 80% accomplished.

4 - Take a vacation

All I will say is read above. 

100% fail. 

That is how I am doing with this years resolutions, 8 months gone.

How are you doing for 2018? 

If you are interested in seeing what I have been doing click here: Sunshine`s homemade creations  

By Andria Perry
Photos by Andria Perry


  1. Well, You are not doing to bad. As far as mine go. Yes, I am writing more. Not on my novels through. As you know I have plans for the spiritual shop. So, I have decided to have a blog along with it and writing articles about product and service I plan on selling.

    1. Good! get that plan written down and careful about sharing to much, some will try to sabotage you, I ran into a woman like that.

    2. I will keep that in mind. I do have a plan and I am doing more offline than online making sure all grammar ext. is right.

    3. That is good, I cant wait o see it.

  2. The path from where we were to where we want to be is often long and winding. Keep going you will make it!!!

  3. I like how you write down your plans. Even if some don't quite go the way you would like, you are on top of it! Such a busy lady, you do need to find time for a short vacation at least!
