Monday, March 25, 2019

My Minimal Hoarding Life - The Hiccup - Getting Rid Of The Hoard

Seems like this is what always happens and it seems I always bounce back.

Just as I was getting into the daily grid of getting so much work accomplished an emergency surgery happened for the man I tend to (I`m 24/7 caregiver) With that said I lost a week of working on clearing this place out. This is life and how it happens.

The Old Home place 

Since I did not get to write about life last week, I will give a little catch up. 

After I got the upstairs cleaned out, for the most part, I got busy on the downstairs. The basement has junk that belonged to several people, a few dead and most o it gone bad. Just a musky smelling rotting hoard.

I was surprise that when I asked some if they wanted their stuff they said no throw it away. so I did! With the things that are still good I did donate those, like lamps and ski`s and things that can be wiped down and used.

I filled the large trash can and set it at the road.

When the following Monday came around I had to let this place go and work as a landlady, a hot water heater had went out and I dealt with that.

Then the emergency surgery came and everything was on hold.

He got out of the hospital on Friday so Saturday afternoon I went to the basement and filled the trash can again, its not much but every trash can full is less. Less is the goal.

The Plan

Today I plan to stop by and move the trash can, maybe fill it again, I will load the car trunk full and take it to the donation box, I have a few more things that are in very good condition. If I have time I will move everything that will go to the dump outside, I hate to do it this way but I do need to paint the basement.

Back To Home- My Living Space

I have made some good changes around here too! 

I got the vacuuming and dusting accomplished, for now.

All the clothing is clean, folded and put away.

The dishes are done daily.

The one thing that got on my nerves was done! the tape, rubber band and "tie" drawer. It was out of hand so I cleaned it and tossed half. Now its all neat again and I can see everything.

The house is not really dirty, it is organized and that is all I have to do is put things back when I am finished using them and do a deep cleaning once a week.

I have started mowing so the lawn is clean and neat. No trash hanging around!

The Plan For Home

The lower kitchen cabinets need cleaning out, decided what to keep and what to donate. Wipe those down with Lysol. 

That is the only plan I will make for home at this time, if I get to more that will be good, if not I did get the one things accomplished.

So there is my accountability for a couple weeks and my hoarding life, how are you handling life and hoarding?

By Andria Perry
Photo By Andria Perry


  1. This is very inspirational. You will feel like a queen when all this clearing away is done.

  2. Sounds like you're on track instead of life throwing you off track for a week. I'm getting the dishes done more often since the hot water seems to be heating faster in the kitchen since the plumber was here to fix a clogged sink. Don't know what he did, but I don't have to waste as much water waiting for it to heat now so I can do things that require hot water more often. My house will get less cluttered once I finish sorting receipts, etc. to get the taxes done.
