Thursday, October 18, 2018

My Minimal Hoarding Life - For The Love Of Things

There is a balance for life, for me anyways, not to much and not to less.  My minimal hording life.

Somewhere in this life I got lost inside myself. Not moving forward in my quest for less, not that I began to hoard anything, just stepped away for a while not even realizing I had done so.

This feeling that I need to flee, pack up and go, its been ten years of peace but now I feel that have been betrayed by no one but myself, allowing this to happen. Gave up control, not that I wanted it in the first place but I need to draw that line. If its bad there are no third chances to prove any different, it cant change, only hide.

Ten years! Know what happens in ten years? 



Junk and stuff.

Invasion into my brain.

Why do we have to always want stuff?  Cleaned out one space and I reckon some of it found its way back into my life, like ghosts following me home, quietly moved back in. A Tub here and a tub there. 

Must not mean that much it lives in a tub.

Oh Wait! 

That is my life in that tub, I keep it clean in that tub. So yeah, I am the tub lady that fights dust, that hates dust. But now I am confused because I made myself a new job.... Sunshine`s Homestead Creations . I do make soap and lotions and lip care, for use and sale. Since I make it I find no reason to hoard it from the stores when I get a fabulous coupon and buy one get one deal. 

So maybe that part is not so bad. 

Pack up work and go? That maybe an option. 

A plate, bowl, cup and fork,spoon, knife, skillet and pot. Coffee maker I won`t live without.

One pair of shoes, two pants, two shirts, two bras, six panties and six pair of socks.

Laptop and car.

Sounds simple doesn`t it?

So why do I live with so much stuff? I will never figure out how it found its way here.

Time to sort and throw out ten years of ...... this life. Time for new and free. That feeling of freedom comes with owning less stuff.

How about you? Can you do it? 

By Andria Perry

Photos by Pixabay.


  1. I have learned (not to say there haven't been a few relapses!) to keep "things" to a minimum. But it does require maintenance!

    1. I have learned the word "No" and used it many times. But its the stuff I already had.

  2. I'm working on it. Except I'm working on 50 years of accumulated stuff -- mine, my mom's, and my mother in-law's. I don't see an end to it in this life. I'm also working hard at not accumulating any more.

    1. That is what happened to me, I inherited a lot of junk.

  3. I am getting there. I did do a little bit a few weeks ago. I am now working on my office space. That should be fun.

    1. I need to clean the closet of the office space. Its the " here is company toss it in there" place.
