Monday, August 28, 2017

My Minimal Hoarding Life - Well, well, well! Life Round Here

August 29, 2017 - A day in the life.

Yes I have been missing in action for weeks at a time and them I pop back in with a small update about how my hoarding life has became minimal or not. 

Life was hard for a while there but God took me through it and now I am back, better than before.

A few weeks ago I was told I would have a visit and I was shocked to see how my house looked and I worked a day and a half to get things cleaned up and things put back into their place. They did not show up but the house got a good and needed cleaning. I have managed to keep it up for the most part.

The problem :

I have always kept up the laundry up and washed the dishes, although I would leave them overnight once and a while, so that is not my problem with cleaning house. I have gotten lazy about dusting. I hate to dust but I cannot breathe when its dusty.

I have to vacuum first so that any dust in the air after vacuuming does not fall on the newly dusted table tops.

I also have to sweep the floors before dusting, same reason what is in the air will settle.

The Plan :

I have to plan to get those set days back in line. Before I took on a 24/7 job at home I had free days all to myself when I blasted music, danced with the broom and got things accomplished.

Since this job is getting easier once again I will be getting back to a normal for me routine.

The Clutter :

I do not have so much clutter, I have everything labeled and put in a place that it should be, Ya know? no shampoo in the living room :)

But I do need to clean out my bedroom closet and once again get rid of clothing I do not wear anymore, and began to wash and hang the Winter clothing. Why wash them? There is no longer any smoking in the house but all my packed away clothing smells to me, like cigarettes.

The Organization :

No matter if I have been swamped with work here and I had to be quiet I still organized things. I bought more see through shoe box tubs and I put my stuff in them to keep it clean and I see and know what I have, mostly for the pantry.

I put all the beans, pastas and grains into glass jars so that nothing can get to them, like rodents or bugs. No I do not have any at the moment but I live in the woods and those critters live here too.

For more about organizing click here : Lazy Susan  

The Outcome :

If I have to move I do have a lot of the work done, I know where things are and they are nicely organized in the clear tubs for quick removal. That is the plus when you have an organized house.

The Outside :

I have struggled with the outside this year. One right after another each mower quit, got fixed only to quit again, I gave up and bought a new one. I do not have the entire place cleaned up again but 1/3 is and I have to get busy and cut down many of the overgrown bushes before they actually bend over and touch the house!

Now that I have a plan I will be getting back to my minimal side and get rid of those hoarding ways. 

How are you doing with clutter?

By Andria Perry

Photos by Andria Perry


  1. I really need to get back into the swing of things myself. So much has been going on and so many things have changed.

    1. I agree things change and we get stuck in a rut. I am coming out! Look forward to reading about how you are doing.

  2. Still not quite up to going through boxes with Dave's things in them. Open wounds, broken heart.

    1. I really do understand, I have a few tubs of my dads I cannot seem to get rid of.

  3. I'm not nearly as far along with it as I'l like to be. I have company coming in mid-September and don't know how I will manage to clear space. One urgent thing after another pops up that I have to do and all the stuff just stays where it is. It's discouraging.

    1. I do understand, I thought by this time of the year I would be completely minimal and no clutter, but life happens and I have to live too.

  4. There is glory in the struggle, glory in never giving up! Keep going! Your audience is pulling for you!!!!

    1. I have the "Rocky" theme playing in my head right now :)

  5. :-) Embracing it! but selling some of the books...

  6. Time to get back on track here, have slid off the track with summer - and it shows... !

    1. Oh me too! I am working daily to get everything back up to par.

  7. Clutter begone! Well it has here in the house...not in my head though too much going round and round and round :)
