Sunday, August 18, 2019

My Minimal Hoarding Life - A Little At A Time

Busy little bee! That is what I can call myself this year.

While I may be on the go a lot, or having to stay at home and work, I have not been idle in no shape or form.

I have been told to slow down and not worry about the little things, I have done that before and all the little things pile up, then its a huge mess to worry about, so I will keep up with the little things and life can and will stay full but easier to maintain. 

How Is Life? 

I manage to keep the house clean for the most part, and always neat, even though I am working so much at the "pay the bills" job.

I keep the grass mowed and the lawn as neat as I can, usually weekly, bi weekly if I can get by with it.

How Is The Clutter?

The garage is coming together, once again, it seems to be the "dump it here till later place" and that is one habit I do intend to break. Last month I hauled off a truck load of junk, and trash, and last week I gathered up another truck load of "I no longer need stuff" and took it to the trash can at the old home place. I still have several tubs to empty and I am sure its all trash or grave yard flowers/decor that I will throw away.

Inside the house I am getting better about not allowing clutter, I am not 100% on this and I can get rid of more. Seems the more I get rid of the more I have to get rid of. 

 To Use It What I Have Saved

I am a problem solver, I will buy the stuff I need and set it aside. Not everything is just clutter although it feels that way.

Sometimes I buy one item at a time as I can afford it, and it looks like so much clutter and I will feel overwhelmed with the mess and think " Why did I buy all this stuff?" But when I take it out and put it to use as one and I see what the point was, I  actually see it was easier to to it the way I did. 

For instance, because I did not have much money left over one month due to a bill, I bought one part of the gate, laid it aside, next month I bought the posts and last, this month, I bought the cement, paint and hinges. This weekend I put the hate together and its in use. But... I felt like it was just a mess laying in the garage for that long. 

We just have to wait and see the big picture at the end, but the main thing is making whatever in the end is and not continue to wait, when you have all the parts, make it. That is when the free feeling sets in, free from clutter!

How is you life? Have you accomplished "the great clean out" this summer?

By Andria Perry
Photos By Andria Perry