Friday, February 22, 2019

My Minimal Hoarding Life - Let The Clutter Be Gone! New Season In Life

It that time of the year, again! Although I feel I do not have  much stuff there are things I can get rid of in my home. Plus when I am dealing with more than one place/home things do add up.

Sunday -I moved the office furniture around, cleaning the floor as I went, making sure each section was clean before placing a piece of furniture down, I vacuumed the hall and the spare bedroom..I also cleaned the kitchen but not the floor.

Monday - Started the house cleaning.

This morning I dusted the office and removed things I did not need anymore, into the recycle bin.

Next I changed my bed sheets and washed them with the other dirty clothes. When those were done I washed the bath mats from both bathrooms.

I went through the papers on the desk.

Off to the pantry I went and removed what was sitting in the floor, tubs, laundry basket filled with homeless items,  I put things on the top shelf while standing in a chair, swept the floor.

The breakfast nook, "catch all" as I come in the door, got cleaned and things put away.

The laundry room got a good sweeping and the rug vacuumed.

 Tuesday - I took all the loaded up, a car full, recyclables to the drop off/donation bin.

Wednesday I just took a day off to rest since I have been overworking myself outside.

Thursday - I had to go to work so I did not get home till late so I really did not do anything except make new plans.

Friday - Since its finally warming up I went to work at the old home place. I seen how much I need to toss in the trash so I went by the trash pickup office and paid for three months of trash pickup. 

I know that a lot of what is there will not ever be used so I will donate what I can and trash can the rest. While some look at the big picture and shake their heads at the work, I am not like that, I see one room at a time. I see one repair at a time. But I am sure that is the landlady in me, I have had houses trashed by tenants and I got them back to excellent shape.

That is my week in review, how was yours?

By Andria Perry
Photos by Andria Perry


  1. I've started some spring cleaning today. Thank goodness. I have far too much clutter. It sounds like you've gotten a good bit done this week. Good for you.

    1. Thank you, since its raining I may as well do something inside.

  2. You have been busy. I have been a bit lazy and I need to clean up my apartment but since it is little there won't be a problem. I am lucky that I cannot clutter up this place otherwise I could not even budge an inch. Hope you have a great new week and see you online.

    1. Thank you. I have been thinking about down sizing, again. I lived in a very small house and I liked it, but as you say, any clutter shows.
