Sunday, January 13, 2019

My Minimal Hoarding Life - Two Weeks

We are two weeks into the new year so I thought I should do an update about how I am getting things done, or not.

Area that now dead for winter but  where I am working

Outside - done :

I am doing a massive clean up outside. I have cut down what bushes and stray grass has grown over. I have removed "trash," what had blown into the wooded area and a few things that were put there against my better judgment, because I knew in no time flat it would rot and be trash, but some of you know how that goes, you get the old " I live here too" line, so I allowed it to rot and now I clean it up. 

From that area I got a huge black trash bag filled with trash, metal to go to the scrap yard to recycle, blocks to be reused on an upcoming project. I have the cut down bushes and I can either chop it up to burn in the rocket stove or I can can take it to the curb to be hauled off.

Inside - weekly :

I have taken the recyclable plastic, paper and cardboard to the drop off bin. I have all the aluminum cans bagged up, out in the garage and ready to take off.

I changed the bed sheets.

I have the laundry done and put away. 

I have the dishes washed, dried and put away.

What needs to be done? 

I need to vacuum and dust.

What would I like to accomplish the last couple weeks of January? 

I would like to go through the closets again, make another "get rid" of sweep, from all of them.

I would like to go through my books and separate the reference books from the novels, decided if I need to keep the novels. 

And finish up the area of woods by the driveway for the new building. 

I have a long list so I better get busy!

How are you doing this New Year? 

By Andria Perry
Photos by Andria Perry


  1. Will you be building the new building or getting a prebuilt?

    1. If I do the glass greenhouse I will build, I have materials, Fir a store I will look at already made and have it shipped here, depends on the price.

  2. Glad you're keeping busy! I started a long project from my list during the snow day yesterday; said to myself "If (unlikely thing) happens I'll go into town & check e-mail," was glad to find mail I'd been waiting for, & am glad to have time to read your blog.

    1. Thanks for reading too, how well is the business going?
