Wednesday, January 23, 2019

My Minimal Hoarding Life - The 3rd. Week

For some people January is a long month with five weeks of cold that is never ending because they are stuck inside. I have to say that its a typical month for Alabama, cold and hot in each week.

With that being said I get to split up my work days around the homestead, some days outside and some days inside only without a planned calendar like in the spring to winter months. Winter is unpredictable. 

I have made such an impact outside cleaning and clearing out things that I have to say I am proud of myself.

Inside? Not so much but I try to save the inside work for those cold and rainy days. But that is not to say I have been slacking completely. 

Progress Outside :

Each hour of work I can see my vision coming into reality, each snip, each branch pulled to the curb, each time I rake up a pile of dead leaves.

I got a couple more large black trash bags filled and into the trash can, all from up in the bushes, hidden.

I am far from done but I feel it coming.

I hauled off all the recyclables and I received $9.10 for the aluminum cans.

Inside :

I have taken out a few things from under the cabinets in the kitchen, I would say "not on purpose" but when I was getting something out to use and I seen that item and told myself " I don`t use this and I can`t think of when I will" and I sat it by the back door, plastic goes to the recycle bin anything else to the donation box.

I am at the point that the inside of my house has no trash, except the normal trash from the kitchen, it has things. So I now decide what things I want to keep and what things to say " I have had enough" and send them out for someone else to enjoy.

I am managing to keep the dishes washed and put away daily, only skipping one night.  

I am keeping the laundry done and put away.

I change the bed sheets on all beds at least once a week, I even turned my mattress and what a good nights sleep I got!

This week I have to clean the bathrooms and dust. I have vacuumed the whole house but its due again before dusting. I need to mop the kitchen. House work is never ending.

How about you? Made any progress?

By Andria Perry
Photos by Andria Perry and Pixabay


  1. I cannot horde in this little apartment because there are only two rooms for living and if I don't want to break my neck I must do the best I can. What I am doing is organizing shelves and bookcases so that they can include both framed photos and books so that everything is on the shelves and not all over the place. So for me it is not only organization but some interior decorating as well. Hope all is well in your world and see you online.

    1. Yes I understand you are use "UP" space because you have no more floor space. Perfect way to organize!
