Wow! A month already gone but that is life, we have to make what we of time because before you know it, time had slipped passed us. Don`t put off what we can do today till tomorrow.
I make four resolutions, or goals, to accomplish each year. Some years I make it with all of them, some years I do not. Usually two are easier and two are harder.
I have began to pick a word, or words, that I try to also apply to my life for the year. This year I chose the words "No Regrets" because I do not want to regret a single thing I go for this year, whether I make it all the way or I fail, I will learn either way and make myself better.
What are my resolutions?
1- Stop buying - Grow more
Grow more food :
You maybe thinking how in the world can she grow food in the Winter?
I can sow seed inside for an early garden and that is what I have done, I have tomato plants and bell pepper plants, I have cabbage babies and I am waiting for the eggplants to sprout.
Stop Buying :
When I say "stop buying" that does not mean just for stockpiling canned goods and the such but also to shopping to "Get something" and I did walk away from shopping for January.
Another plus, I only bought newspapers once this whole month for the coupon inserts, saving me $32 (yes Sunday newspapers we up) And that one time I did purchase them I only bought half of what I would usually buy.
I bought no clothes at all.
I feel this resolution was a 100% accomplishment.
2 - Clear land - Set up rentals
This resolution is one of the harder ones, I am trying to ... hmmm... make myself get out of the habit of thinking I have to do everything myself and hire people to do all the work.
I have not began on this resolution yet.
100% failure.
3 - Clean, declutter and organize
Since it is January and since it has been cold more than its been normal and warm, I have worked inside more than not.
I usually start with the closets and get rid of more stuff that was bought in the past years but this time I looked around and found what was the worst, what I had let go the longest and was in deep dread to do and I started that.
The Kitchen :
I have been dreading cleaning the upper cabinets, why? Those are the hardest for me to do. I have to climb to get those done but I took an evening and I cleaned them with grease lightening.
I have put off finishing the painting of the kitchen, I had half done from years (yes years) ago. This was also harder for me because of my neck pain, I do not talk about it much but I do have a bad neck and upper back. After painting I will hurt but I refuse to allow this to stop me from being clean in the house and keeping it nice.
I took a week and I got most of the one long wall painted, Trim too!
BUT I still have one small wall left to paint but I have to find someone to help me move the china cabinet away from that wall and then back after I get it painted with two coats of paint.
The Pantry :
While it was for the most part organized some things had made its way into that room that did not belong there so that was put into its place. I also went through every store bought item and made sure it was still in date, what was not went out. I also went through my home canned jars of food and what I felt was past its safe to eat date went out also.
This resolution is a 100% accomplishment.
4 - Take a vacation
Now I am sure this one will be a fail each month till I actually take the vacation and by vacation I do mean a week off and not at home.
But I can take days off or weekends and have mini vacations.
I have thought about where I would like to go, I have several places in mind but I have not planned any vacations.
So another 100% fail.
There are my resolutions and how I have worked to make what I want better in my life.
How did you do the first month of 2018?
For more about this months cleaning and work check out :
By Andria Perry
Photos By Andria Perry
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