October 30, 2017
Now lets tale a look back at the month of October and see just what I did get done toward my resolutions for the year, remember I make two easy and two hard each year, sometimes I make them all but more than likely its three out of four.
This year I also picked a word for my year, what I wish to accomplish. My word for the year is : Satisfaction. I picked this word because I want to feel satisfied with everything I do in the year 2017.
My 2017 resolutions are :
1 - Buy Solar Panels and the accessories - Get off the grid
See I am not one to "just do it" and learn after the fact. I do my homework and I have to know the prices and if its doable for me. Where one year I dried laundry outside, just about every load, but this was the rainy year and there was no way to get this done like I did the year before, so I used more power. Plus I still have not decided to go all solar or solar feeding the power company my extra. I need to be careful about making the expensive decision, plus I still am not sure if I will move or not.
I did get the green house up and going. I used the plastic pipe and the super thick mil of plastic so this one is portable if I chose to move.
What I did different was th size, my instructions called for a 10 x 12 foot but I can tell you now that was to small because I am also heating it with the sun, but I have not got that part done. I made it a 10 x 24, yes I doubled the length and when I add the heat source it will feel smaller.
Although I did not buy anything solar I still feel like I am moving forward so this month I will call a 100% success.
2 - Write more- Finish the book and write another. Blog more for money
Nope, those books are still waiting, two half done and the other still mostly in my head.
But I have started to blog more. I, just this past week, am writing the "Cooking with Angie" blog again and I am linking it to "Learning to live free" blog. Why? Because I home can a lot of foods and some want to know how to make meals from those jars of food.
I have also began to put up a article on Virily, although I do not have much time to spend there I am slowly building my bank and will cash out sooner or later.
So I have to say I think I am improving on this goal. 75% is what I will go with this month.
3 - Lose 25 pounds and get back on a vegetarian diet
This is the one hard resolution I was talking about. I did drop around 10 pounds when I began in January but then I bounced up and down all year but never getting back up to the beginning weight number.
However, I have gained so much muscle its unreal! Since I have been solo for 90% of this year on all the work I have been doing the work of a man, so I wonder if my fat went down and my muscle mass went up?
All my Winter clothes still fit and some of the tops are to big, so who knows? What I do know is that I wont lose 20 pounds in three months.
I do not know how to rate this one, maybe 50/50?
4 - Learn to ask people for help
This resolution is the hardest one of all, I have always hated to be needy. People become mean if they think they have something you need, even if its just a ride and or to talk to about a problem.
I cannot say I asked for anything from anyone last month. Nothing comes to mind.
So this one is a fail 100% I am not cut out to ask for help, I am to dang independent or hard headed, one or the other.
As I look back I did a little better this month, July was the month from hell and August has flew by. September was an improvement. October was a huge shift and went well. If its Gods will November will be an awesome month for me and I will do something to improve each one of my yearly goals.
How about you? Have to checked in on what you wanted from life back at the beginning of the year?
For a look back at July click here : The month from Hell!
For a look back at August click here : Time Flies!
For a look back at September click here : Things Change
By Andria Perry
Photo By Andria Perry