Saturday, September 30, 2017

The 2017 Resolutions - Check In For September - Accomplish Or Crash And Burn?

September  30, 2017

Now lets tale a look back at the month of September and see just what I did get done toward my resolutions for the year, remember I make two easy and two hard each year, sometimes I make them all but more than likely its three out of four.

This year I also picked a word for my year, what I wish to accomplish. My word for the year is : Satisfaction. I picked this word because I want to feel satisfied with everything I do in the year 2017.

My 2017 resolutions are :

1 - Buy Solar Panels and the accessories - Get off the grid

As much as I crave the solar way of life, I have not bought any. Yes its sad but I will say I reduced the power bills by $27 from mid August to mid September.

The good news is that I have everything I need to put up the hoop style green house! And I am hoping to have it up this coming week.

I also purchased the electrical device for the electric fence to keep the dogs in one area, now I can think about also making a portable chicken pen and coop. 

Although I did not buy anything solar I still feel like I am moving forward so this month I will call a  100% success.

 2 - Write more- Finish the book and write another. Blog more for money

I have not finished either books. But there is good news, I was finally approved for Google adsense, I mentioned in August, Its not a huge difference because its slow to earn ( because the ads have to be clicked on to earn money) but this does open up the option to blog at more sites and I have looked at a couple. I have earned a little this month from the adsense.  

I feel this one is a 50% success for September.

3 - Lose 25 pounds and get back on a vegetarian diet

I do not know why eating is so hard to do, I know how to lose weight and I know what foods are healthy. I have not lost any weight in the last two weeks but I have cut down on how much I eat, no matter what it is. 

I wont give up! I will say that since I am doing more portion control its a 25% success. 

4 - Learn to ask people for help

I am not sure I needed any help in August, well I always want help but I have not asked for the same reasons I stated before.

I have turned down more that I knew I could not do and made the statement " I cannot do everything" this has helped with the pressure of people pushing more on me to get done.

As I look back I did a little better this month, July was the month from hell and August has flew by. September was  an improvement. If its Gods will October will be an awesome month for me and I will do something to improve each one of my yearly goals.

How about you? Have to checked in on what you wanted from life back at the beginning of the year?

For a look back at July click here : The month from Hell!

For a look back at August click here : Time Flies!  

By Andria Perry
Photo By Andria Perry

Thursday, September 28, 2017

My Minimal Hoarding Life - Neglect? Define Neglect

September 28, 2017

I am sure when I stopped writing so much in my journal about my hoarding ways and minimalism ways that things would go down hill, I have to face it, if I want to have bragging rights I must first do something to actually brag about.

This is my journal, I expose myself to anyone who cares to read.

Today is not going to be just about talk, I am taking action, I think :)

 Let me back up a little and tell you about this past month :

To read more click here : Life round here

The first thing is, I am tired. 

I am not sitting around.  I am working outside in the vegetable garden, I am home canning and freezing what I get from the garden or buy.  I am mowing the grass with the rider and the push mower, I am cutting down overgrown bushes.  I am clearing a wooded area for a greenhouse. I am walking the dogs.

Next is that I have to do a little at the rental houses, I have to get the tenants ready for winter and that means some get new heaters and some get help if they want plastic on the windows. I have to mow the grass at one empty twice a week, sometimes once a week, plus since the basement is filled with junk/ trash I have been working on that one day a week, one large trash can at a time. 

Being a caregiver to a cancer patient 24/7 is not that easy, although he has already went through the worst, chemo, its a very demanding job. If he is sick at 2 am I have to get up and get him better. If he is starving at 11 pm because he sleeps so much, I have to cook.

What Have I been Doing ? 

Since my live in patient sleeps a lot, its part of the body healing itself an is normal, I have to be quiet.

I am always doing laundry and some night I have slept with one side of my bed filled with the days clean laundry, waiting to be folded and put away, I was just to tired to get it done.

The kitchen is where I seem to live! Not just cooking meals but home canning too, so this room gets wiped down more than any room, however I still have not made much time to clean the upper outsides of the cabinets, the greasy part. :( I have kept the kitchen swept and mopped. 

Now one thing I will not put up with and that is trash to just sit in the house, I take the trash out as soon as the can is full. 

I am really behind on the paper pile on the dining room table but I cannot just trash can those because its part of the accounting for the business and I have to keep those, and the coupons! I am behind on clipping coupons so I have a stack awaiting the scissors or the trash can. 

I am sneezing an snotty and I know what it is, not the ragweed outside but the dust inside. I am ashamed of how much dust is in the house, looks strange because most rooms are neat but there is dust!

Well, there I just bared myself. I am headed to the bathroom to clean it and I will say its not the worst but its not nice either.

How have to been doing in your minimal hoarding life? 

By Andria Perry
Photos By Andria Perry