Sunday, January 10, 2021

My Minimal Hoarding Life - 2020 Resolution - December Check In


I make four resolutions, or goals, to accomplish each year. Some years I make it with all of them, some years I don`t. Usually two are easy and two are hard.

I make a word, or phrase, of how I plan to be for the year and this year I have chosen "Thrive" because this is the first year of the next half of my life, a new beginning and a new me.

Here are my 2020 resolutions :

1 - Publish A Book

No I did not. I have to admit that I did start two new books this year, one romance and one mystery, however neither of those are the ones ready to publish, the "how to" and if I get the "book of poems" typed up, its ready as well.

The only thing that stopped me from publishing one was the fact that I cannot get into my email to see if Amazon accepted the one.

100% failed.

2 - Make New Friends

Yes I am sure I did make a few friends this year, or should I call them acquaintances? 

I that word is a more appropriate, acquaintances.

100% accomplished

3 - New Job/Career

This one is a yes, although I did not give up any of my work/jobs that I already do, I added to it. Who knows if this will be what I do from now own out.

Life is all trail and error, you find what works and you go with it. Maybe its for a short time, maybe for the long run. 

100% yes.

4 - Take A Vacation

YES! I did take the best vacation I have ever had. July 4th. weekend and with Robert. I will never forget this one, NEVER!

100% accomplished!

So there I did do three out of four, not bad at all for me.

Now.... I have a new list made for the year 2021.... what will I want to do in the next year. Watch for the new list, coming soon.

By Andria Perry


  1. 75% is great! And it is more because you tried you just can't find out.

    1. Thanks, yes 75% is good for such a year of the unknown with covid.
