Friday, May 25, 2018

My Minimal Hoarding Life - Stop The World! I Want Off!

As I look at the date I can barely believe that May It almost over already. Seems like just yesterday I was waiting for spring and cleaning out the closets, taking things to the donation box and cleaning up the yard before the weed woke up.

Its been a real ride around here, from a lot of working to make a living to the homestead and planting time.

The cleaning 

I have been keeping up the cleaning inside the house. I did a thorough cleaning, mopping and dusting, moving furniture and vacuuming. I went the whole nine yards as they say, then one day the cat was left inside and unattended for a few minutes and he decided to walk around and mark this house. Needless to say not even a week after cleaning the place I had to do this all over, plus wipe the walls down and in places scrub the carpet. 

The cat is no longer allowed to come inside, with or without someone being right by his side.

I am still keeping up the laundry and keeping the dishes washed.

What went out? 

Weekly I have been removing something from the house, mostly clothing and old scrap junk from outside.

I took off the cans to recycle, so they are no longer piled in the garage.

I took a riding mower to my uncle and he repaired it, instead of bringing it back home I left it at my sisters house for her use, and mine when I need it around the rentals. I am sure I will never bring it back home.

What came in? 

I have really tried to resist shopping but this month I took a little money and I updated 3 rooms.

First it was the bathroom, I bought a new shower curtain and liner, a new bath rug and four new towels.

Next was the bedroom. I bought a new comforter set and new curtains.

Last was the laundry room, it got a new large throw rug. 

I did not get rid of the ones I took off, I put them away for next winter, an exchange on both rooms.

I am down to buying coupons once a month, Sundays newspaper, but I am about stopped all shopping except for fresh foods, animal feed and washing detergents.

The Outside :

I have to add the outside to my daily life now since its a huge part of life around here. I mow about four to five hours per week to keep the grass under control. I am also digging in the vegetable garden, growing more of my own food. 

I will mention I have little to no help doing everything so this takes a lot of my time away from the inside but becoming a minimalist there is less and less to do inside.

By Andria Perry
Photos by Andria Perry


  1. I'm almost done cleaning just one little corner of the living room. I am sick of looking at the junk!!
    We had to kick all of the male cats outside due to marking and we couldn't afford to neuter them. They all disappeared.....

    1. Oh no. Way to go! you are gettiin it done.

  2. Wow Andrea you are a machine...I can't keep up with you...I hope all good with you and you are well :) x

    1. Thanks, I am well and on the go, summer is my time of the year.

  3. You can't believe that May is almost over. Just think what will be going through my poor head as I am sitting back in my homeland, in Florida and at the threshold of a new life at the end of June. That should alone take many pages to write about. Virtual hugs and much sunshine from my side of the world.

    1. I will be glad when you get here and I want to rad every word you write!
