Sometimes you live for others and sometimes you have to rediscover yourself and do your best to take care of others.
I am back to me.
Not I am not neglecting my responsibility, I am just not taking on as much responsibility that I don`t have to.
Being clean is part of me, keeping a clean home is important to me because it is the way I was raised and taught by my father.
This past month I have lessened the amount of time I have gave to others, Especially online. The blogging site, the people who are making money off of me but I am not getting what I earned. I don`t mind helping others online but sometimes I need to do for me, is that selfish? Maybe.
I began my cleaning and clearing last weekend March 25th and 26th and I have not stopped, however, I did slow down a bit.
Monday was one of those days when I wanted to work outside and there was a threat of rain but I went for it anyways. I got the backyard mowed with the push mower, its the dogs area and it is also time for their flea and tick treatments to start. It did rain on me but that was okay, it was not a hard rain just a light sprinkling rain.
I took the mid day of Monday to clean up the spare bedroom/stockpile room I vacuumed and dusted plus I moved things around. I got all the empty canning jars together and moved around a few cases of canned foods. Since I really don`t think its pretty to look at I found this table cloth that worked perfectly to cover the shelf that some of it is stored on. Looks so much better.
Tuesday I went into town to pick up the mail and check on a few things at work, that did not take long so I got back to the house and cooked dinner, rested and then began to get the kitchen cleaned. I washed the dishes and wiped down all the counter tops, I leave nothing on them except the coffee pot. I scrubbed the sink. I swept the floor and mopped.
I cleaned off the dining room table, filed the coupons and all the receipts.
I vacuumed the office.
Today I have the intentions of dusting the office and mowing some, if not all, of the lawn and fields, if weather permits.
Seems everything that is to go out ends up in the laundry room or the breakfast nook till I take it out to the car. So, I took it all out this morning, Trash and recyclables and shirts to give to my sister. I also still had a few houseplants that I rooted waiting to be taken out, got those out. The only plant that will stay inside is my Christmas cactus, they do not do well in the full sun here.
Each step I take to get my home back under control and cleaned up, I feel back to me.
How has your week been this far?
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By Andria Perry
Photos by Andria Perry