Sunday, January 10, 2021

Minimalism Monday - Backslid But ......


I know, I know... I need to practice what I preach, so to speak. Although I know there are really no "great excuses" we all give one but it all comes down to only one thing, laziness. 

I know I can say that I was working and to busy but I remember when I could clean the house, keep the lawn, work two jobs, write five blogs a day and interact with other bloggers. Some will say its as simple as the year 2020 being a horrible year but I won`t because people had more time to devote to the home this year. For me 2020 is the beginning of a new life and yes it was nothing more than being lazy because I didn`t want to keep up, I wanted to follow my heart and that was Robert. 

In December I go off my lazy and cleaned up the office, the most neglected room of all, it was nasty and I was ashamed of myself for allowing it to get so bad. I had already cleaned the kitchen but that got messed up again when I took everything out of the office, except the heavy furniture, and put it in the kitchen. What was to go, what was to come back in, all of it had to be organized. But one I got it organized it all fit perfectly and looks awesome. When I got it done the kitchen was back to normal, not spotless but clean.

Next was the front porch, I had empty flower pots, potting soil spilled and just plain old junk sitting around. I took a couple hours and cleaned it up. Now I am proud to go out and  sit on that porch.

Although I backslid and got off track, I am back and the year 2021 will continue to be a minimal living year, with recycling and clean as the main goal for my home. I remember how easy it was to live with less stuff, or just organized stuff and still have time to actually live life.

How are you doing with your minimal hoarding life? 

By Andria Perry
Photo by Andria Perry

My Minimal Hoarding Life - 2020 Resolution - December Check In


I make four resolutions, or goals, to accomplish each year. Some years I make it with all of them, some years I don`t. Usually two are easy and two are hard.

I make a word, or phrase, of how I plan to be for the year and this year I have chosen "Thrive" because this is the first year of the next half of my life, a new beginning and a new me.

Here are my 2020 resolutions :

1 - Publish A Book

No I did not. I have to admit that I did start two new books this year, one romance and one mystery, however neither of those are the ones ready to publish, the "how to" and if I get the "book of poems" typed up, its ready as well.

The only thing that stopped me from publishing one was the fact that I cannot get into my email to see if Amazon accepted the one.

100% failed.

2 - Make New Friends

Yes I am sure I did make a few friends this year, or should I call them acquaintances? 

I that word is a more appropriate, acquaintances.

100% accomplished

3 - New Job/Career

This one is a yes, although I did not give up any of my work/jobs that I already do, I added to it. Who knows if this will be what I do from now own out.

Life is all trail and error, you find what works and you go with it. Maybe its for a short time, maybe for the long run. 

100% yes.

4 - Take A Vacation

YES! I did take the best vacation I have ever had. July 4th. weekend and with Robert. I will never forget this one, NEVER!

100% accomplished!

So there I did do three out of four, not bad at all for me.

Now.... I have a new list made for the year 2021.... what will I want to do in the next year. Watch for the new list, coming soon.

By Andria Perry