Monday, February 10, 2020

My Minimal Hoarding Life - Minimalism Monday - February 10th.

Time to get back to Minimalism Mondays. When we take time to write down what we did accomplish, or plan to accomplish, seems we got the tasks done.

Accomplished :

For about a month I have been slowly going through things and getting rid of most of it. The left behind hoard. Tony kept things and I don`t understand why, now I am dealing with the hoard after his death, no its not like the t.v. show hoarding where its gross and rotten, its just stuff.

Truck load after truck load went to the dump, trash cans filled weekly, and now, finally, I can see the end is near.

I cleaned out the second of three closets this pasted weekend, 90% went out the door and into the car as donations and 10% went in the trash. Yeah, an empty closet.

And More :

As for my own things, I am also gathering and removing what I no longer need. Big clothes are packed and ready to be given away. I do have a couple tubs to clean out, I am sure most of those clothes will go too. Donations. Why keep the clothes that are 2 sizes to big, I do not plan to gain those 20 pounds back.

The other stuff I am keeping is being organized, by category, so I know what I have and what I don`t, that is why hoarding begins anyways, you cannot find something you have and you buy another and the cycle starts.

In my opinion organizing what you keep is the most important part.
This is the plan to get my home back to minimal.

Plan :

Now... this shed I have put off for way to long, I went in last week and I know I will back the truck up to the door because most of it has ruined, in my eyesight, and that is what happens to a hoard. It rots. Sooner than later this will be done. I think the reason I have put it off is because I know there is nothing in there that matters, for the most part.

By Andria Perry

Photo By Andria Perry - Pixabay


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you. I am trying hard to get this done.
      how are you doing?

  2. Replies
    1. I did and I have more to do. Amazes me how much stuff can be in a house.

  3. I admire how much you manage to do in spite of what life throws at you.
