Monday, January 6, 2020

My Minimal Hoarding Life - Minimalism Monday- Let The Organizing Begin!

Most of is can confess that the year of 2019 was not all that great, so let`s start 2020 with a good positive outlook. 

Seems we all have stuff, a lot of stuff, that`s not a bad thing, sometimes. With proper organizing things fit perfectly into your home, you use it and you can still have a clean house. 

It is mostly how to store your things. I have learned the hard way about organizing, when I need something I cannot find it, so I buy another and then the hoarding begins.

Even for the seed packs I have for the Spring garden, keep those in a small tub to themselves, store in the pantry, I mean it food right?

I am discovering I am an artist so I have a "sweater" size tub for all my paints and the brushes and I keep those beside with canvas in the office closet. I know where all of it is when I am ready.

This year I am not renewing any magazines, I have  enough of the vegetarian times. I had bought a couple of the cardboard magazine holders from Target, those are now on the book shelf for  the quick find.

Another place is the freezer, yes we all are guilty of it one time or another, losing food in the mess. Straighten out the freezer, knowing what you have not only saves you money but helps not to be a food hoarder that allows so much to expire and be wasted.

There we got started with the "Use it or get rid of it beginning of 2020."

By Andria Perry

Photos by Andria Perry and Pixabay.


  1. I love the use or get rid of it way of thinking. I have to get rid of a lot of stuff myself.

    1. I am hoping to finish it up this year, get rid of everything no longer needed for life.
