Monday, December 9, 2019

My Minimal Hoarding Life - Its That Time Of The Year

No I am not talking about Christmas time, although it is that time of the year, but clean up and clean out time of the year.

While so many people are out enjoying shopping I am requesting no gifts at all, however, I will accept labor as a gift but that is a huge doubt of anyone offering their time and effort as a gift. The old saying comes around to me"Nothing is free." 

Anyways, many of you will be getting more stuff, so now is a good time to clean out the hoard. Donate what you can and trash can the rest.

Last week I worked at the old home place, I loaded the truck with carpets, large rugs and kitchen cabinets that were no good and took it to the dump.

This past weekend I took a day and did a clean up but not so much with things but with overgrown trees and bushes. I spent several hours cutting down trees with the electric saw and pulling them down to the empty lot to rot. I raked leaves and piled those into the flower beds. Making the place look nicer.

I filled the trash can with old buckets that the bottoms had rusted out and things that could not be recycled.

Monday I got the front door scrubbed down and a few branches picked up the wind blew down.

Back at home, I went through several drawer and donated all the stuff, it was Tony`s clothing. I have intentions of giving his best clothing to family members, the donations were stuff I knew no one could wear because it was not their size.

Since Tony had been sick for a long time he had slowly gotten rid of his things so I would not be overwhelmed with his stuff, I do thank God for that. Mostly all of his things are good and can be used.

I went through one of the "flower" tubs and I had enough flowers to cover the three graves I will decorate for Christmas. I will no longer buy and hoard any graveyard flowers. This tub will be empty, YAY!

Slowly but surely getting that one resolution accomplished, reduce things by half. 

How about you? Do you do a good clean out this time of the year?

By Andria Perry
Photo by Andria Perry


  1. You have gotten a lot done. I need to get to work on this one.

    1. I have a lot of time on my hands to get things done.

  2. You have been so good this year I believe Santa is going to leave you a sackful of presents. Since he knows you've been de-cluttering I am sure they'll be things you can really use.

    1. That would be nice, but I am not sure he will stop this year.
