Monday, May 20, 2019

My Minimal Hoarding Life - The Balancing Act

I know I am not given more than I can handle, the problem is I should have handled it long ago and not waited, being lazy and not making up my mind, although I knew what I wanted all along and it was never so much junk.


To top off the one hoard I am also dealing with home, keeping it minimal as much as possible.

But! I got this and I know I will have this place clear and cleaned and ready for the next stage in its life.

Lets take a look at what I have been up to, since I mix two lives I will give you the link to my other life. Getting Off The Grid  

Sunday April 28th
At Home :

I had planned to work outside all day but when I walked into the pantry I knew this is what I needed to get done.

I cleaned off another shelf, I has a few boxed of food that was expired so that was tossed first and then a couple flavored coffee that had gotten old. I removed a few things that were stored in the plastic mayo jars and put that into glass jars I am reusing, for instance the coffee jars. Now I will send the plastic to the recycle bin.

I had began to clean out the office closet so I had things everywhere, I put what I want to keep back in, a little more organized.

I filled the car with all the stuff to go, one bag to the trash can and the rest to be donated and recycled. 

I mowed  half of the grass.

Monday - 29th Through Wednesday May 1st. 

I had to go to work and I did nothing  toward the clean up and clean out.

Thursday May 10th.

I cleaned out the one huge deep freezer a little more, what was good for the dogs to have they got, what needed to be trash canned I put in a plastic trash bag and placed it on the empty shelf till Friday.

Friday May 11th.

I loaded the car with what had to put in the trash can at the old home place, the freezer stuff I felt was not safe to be eaten by anyone or animal.

At the old home place :

 I placed that trash bag in the can and went inside, I knew I had a tub that had to be emptied, the books I wanted to keep but knew I couldn`t but was still having trouble tossing them. I did it! I tossed two tubs of books. They did smell like the basement and I know that smell would not allow me to be able to read them, much less the thought of those silverfish being inside them.

Tuesday May 14th.

Heading back to the old home place, I needed to make sure the trash can was emptied and not laying in the road. I took a worn out, falling apart blue tarp to start filling the trash can again. 

Wednesday May 15th. 

Did not work, had an all evening appointment.

The rest of the week sort of falls toward homestead/home working that I write about so.....

Monday May 20th.

Its Monday again and I am headed for the old home place. I have to get up the trash can and I will mow the grass again, hopefully before any rain moves in.

Weekly Have To`s

I have been so good at keeping the dishes washed, the laundry washed, dried and put away and keeping all the paperwork filed. No mess. I have vacuumed all the floors and swept. 

I have not dusted or completed the cleaning on the bathroom, just doing the toilets.

But I do think I am doing an awesome job so I will keep it up :)

How has your week been? Toss or donate anything? 

By Andria Perry
Photo By Andria Perry

Saturday, May 4, 2019

My Minimal Hoarding Life - 2019 Resolution - April Check In

Wow! A month already gone but that is life, we have to make the best of the time we have because before you know it, time has slipped passed us. Don`t put off what we can do today till tomorrow.

I make four resolutions, or goals, to accomplish each year. Some years I make it with all of them, some years I do not. Usually two are easy and two are hard.

I make a word, or phrase, of how I plan to be for the year and this year I have chosen " Dream it, Do It." I chose this because I am making my dreams come true a little at a time, the time to get them finished is now, year 2019!

Here are my 2019 resolutions :

1 - Reduce Spending By Half

I do have to say that I did not spend much on myself, however, being stuck at the hospital I had to buy food, food at the hospital is extremely expensive.

I did restock peanut butter for a year and getting JIF for .35 a jar using a sale and coupons was worth it, to me, in the long run. I have cut back so much on buying food and using the stockpile more. 

75% accomplishment.

2 - Reduce Stuff By Half

Yes! I am on a roll, I have taken off more than half. I am still working on this but I am getting this done, a little at a time since I have a couple "make money" jobs too.

The old home place is where I made the most progress. I think I made two trips to the dump this month, and I know at least three trips to the donation bins. As well as giving a few things to people.

100% accomplished this month.

3 - Set Up Sunshine`s Homestead Creations Store

This one has taken the back burner for the moment, working a couple jobs and doing the massive clean out has taken any time I had, however, I am still selling online and I have made a couple new products.

100% fail, although everything I do now is more or less about this business.

4 -  Cut Out Sweets - Kick diabetes ass!

 100 % Failed! there is no excuse. I have used absolutely no self control.

So, that is how I am doing with my 2019 new year resolutions, how are you doing with yours?

By Andria Perry