Monday, January 1, 2018

My Minimal Hoarding Life - New Year New Goals

Here we are the first day of a new year, 2018. As I reflect back on the year of 2017 I can say I learned many things good and bad. But I let all that go and start anew.

The last day of last year I did a major cleaning. I got the kitchen, dining room, my bedroom and the living room dusted and vacuumed. I also got  my bathroom that was in a desperate need of cleaning.

I washed and dried several loads of laundry, folded and put them away.

I filed all the paper work and got the recycling ready.

New Years Day :

I woke early and had my coffee while I left " Happy New Year" messages for all my friends.

I sat down and I wrote out my four new resolutions, I had to think about it for a few minutes and then I just wrote them out, not as hard as the ones for last year.

I then began to do number three on the list, " clean, declutter and organize my home" again. I got behind last year so now its catch up time. I started with the spare bedroom and I got everything that was pulled out out back into that closet. I had bought a package of sweater box tubs  to use and I filled two with stuff from a long flat tub and used it for Tony`s fishing tackle he has hoarded. Why? he always says he does not have that color so its my mission to show him what he does have so he will not buy the same thing over and over.

Next was the office, I cleaned off the desk and put things back into their places.

I took the recyclables and the garbage out, no need for it to wait till tomorrow, it in the car and ready to go.

I intend to vacuum and dust both room today, January first.

What are the new resolutions for 2018 ? 

1- Stop buying - Grow more

Actually I did this a few years back, I had a nice stockpile and it needed to be used, I have a nice stockpile now and I need to use it up. I also aim to grow more and home can it instead of buying. Plus I want to just stop buying junk. No impulse buys.

2 - Clear land - Set up rentals

I have some land that is just sitting not making any money and I am still paying yearly taxes that needs to be cleared and some type of rentals set up, whether it be trailers or small houses. One already has water lines and a septic tank so I can make three more and have a nice little area going.

3 - Clean, declutter and organize

This goes deeper than just the daily cleaning. I want to have this place so minimal that I can pick up and move anytime I take a notion .  I also need to paint the interior and the exterior. Clear out bushes and make it neat and clean once again.

4 - Take a vacation.

Its been so many years since I had a nice vacation. I will be looking into a vacation some time this year. I want to visit some place I have never been before. 

And there you are! My 2018 resolutions. 

No I will pick the words for my year, they are "No regrets!" I will do everything and not regret any of it.

How about you? got resolutions or goals?

By Andria Perry
Photo By Andria Perry
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  1. I had to stop cleaning because my trash can was full and I don't know when they will pick it up because trash day is the holiday.

  2. I didn't make an resolutions but I do have goals. The main one is to continue on my decluttering and start making memory boxes for my grandchildren.

    1. That is a wonderful idea. I think everyone should do that so they know what they want each one to have.

  3. I'm still pondering what my goals will be for 2018. It needs to include some decluttering and minimalism actions. I've printed out my 2018 chart to keep track of how many things I get cleared out.

    1. I should do a journal on the exact items, thanks for the idea.

  4. Decluttering not needed..I travel light..I need to grow more and look at getting at least one calf to start with and plant some Durian trees we are working to a long time rotation plan so that as one crop finishes another starts...Finish my cookbook as well..All doable ...Happy New Year Andria x

    1. A good plan you have! On the homestead I want to add chickens and fruit/ nut trees.

      Happy New Year!

  5. Always good to set goals, but you missed the most important one, take care of yourself!

    1. That is always on top of the list, so I do not mention it. Happy New Year!

  6. Got's to cheer you toward keeping yours. Cheers!
