Wednesday, April 12, 2017

My Minimal hoarding life - To Ponder

I will admit that I want to get so much done that I tend to "bounce" someday`s. Bouncing is working a little here and there all over but not really getting anything finished. That is why I am a list maker, so I can focus on what needs to be done first, and what can wait or would just mess up the progress I already made. That is also why I will do just one area at a time.

Read more about my progress this year here : Minimalism and organizing  and "The closet " 

                                    Photo : Bathroom floor before tile removal.

Last week I laid the bathroom floor tile, I felt it was time for a change, the other tiles were seven years old and had a couple cracks starting, when a cracked tile is in the bathroom its not good, water can get under that tile and rot the floor. Luckily I did not have anything rotten.

                                   Photo : Bathroom floor with new tiles.

Time if flying and its already mid April and I have not gotten into the shed to do anything, I did plan it for this week but once again work got in the way, gotta pay the bills first!

As far as keeping the house clean I am managing, since I have more laundry to do weekly because of work its always one in the wash awaiting and one in the dryer awaiting folding and just using again.

I did manage to get the riding mower going and I got the fields mowed for the first time of the year, the hardest time. And it is time for the backyard to be mow again, the dogs area, but I think I am going to reduce the dog pen area, since they walk me daily I think I can eliminate one half so its not such a mess each time I mow it.

I have to say, that is about it. I have not done any major cleaning anywhere else in the house and it is time to dust more!

How was your last week? Do a major cleaning or toss anything out?

By Andria Perry
Photo By Andria Perry


  1. I will do that a lot myself. I really need to clean good. I will start in one room and go and forth.

    1. I don`t know why I do it at home, at work that is how I do things, do a room and close it off.

  2. I am guilty of bouning. Almost ALL the time. I'll slide from task one into task two without even realizing it.

    This past week I tossed out TWO old blankets I've had since childhood. They had way too many holes to be servicable and smelled bad. It took me most of a week to actually get them out of the hall and put them in the main garbage can outside.

    1. But what matters is you did it! I am proud of you :)

  3. Oh I hope you didn't mow those lovely flowers down but pleased you got some jobs done...I love how you just get on and do it when you can..You are my inspiration :)

  4. I have some major cleaning to do. Since he is sitting in jail and all his stuff is here. I am disposing of all of it. Most of it will go out on big trash day on the first Monday of next month. I doubt I will get all of it. As some of I will sell.

    1. I do not know what happened but SELL it nd make some money, you deserve it.
