Tuesday, September 29, 2020

My Minimal Hoarding Life - 2020 Resolution - September Check In


I make four resolutions, or goals, to accomplish each year. Some years I make it with all of them, some years I don`t. Usually two are easy and two are hard.

I make a word, or phrase, of how I plan to be for the year and this year I have chosen "Thrive" because this is the first year of the next half of my life, a new beginning and a new me.

Here are my 2020 resolutions :

1 - Publish A Book

This may seem strange but when I was a toddler my mom spoke over me that I would be a famous author because I ate books and... well, any paper, even my brothers homework. 

Then back in the Spring Robert introduced me and when asked what I did for a living he said "She writes books and will publish four this year."

Little did I know when I wrote these resolutions that someone would find me and speak these words over me, that would be Robert, and it be a resolution I made months before we met.

Yes its destiny and sometimes that is just freaky all by itself.

This month I worked on three books, however, two may become one as I am integrating the characters from one to the other, because life changed and that is how i will be.


Working on this one 100%

2 - Make New Friends

I made myself laugh when I read last months response to this resolution.

I have to think back....

Nope I did not make any new friends, however, I did reconnect with a few. Just today I seen 2 of my friends and it was nice to see them, its been months, well, almost a year.

So no new friends made. 100% fail.

3 - New Job/Career

This is another resolution that is hard to accomplish, but with hard work and determination I am somewhat making this happen. 

I am working doing things I never thought would be possible. I am being the follower, Robert is leading. So, I am learning how to do things I have never done, or even though about doing.


The publishing books, not that I have yet but I am learning all the in`s and out`s, getting the whole prepared for the presentation.

Plus I am still doing the same old jobs but I am putting more heart into those, the landlady thing and Sunshine`s homestead creations online store. Oh and I will be opening the physical store hoepfully by Christmas.

So, I reckon I am, in a way making a new job/career for myself.

100% doing! 

4 - Take A Vacation

Nope this did not happen in September, just was not to be.

I have spoken to several people about another vacation, you know... prices and how long and where, all the good stuff. 

Depending on the work load will determine where and when I will go, but yes I have one planned and I have 3 months to take it, maybe 4, so it`ll happen again for me, sooner than later.

100% set up.

There ya go! September flew by with so many new adjustment made. I say "watch out October, here I come."

Life is moving fast, if you don`t reach in and take what you want, then it passes you by. I have grabbed me a fist full of life.... more to come.......

How are you doing with the 2020 resolutions?

By Andria Perry

Photos by Andria Perry