Monday, September 30, 2019

My Minimal Hoarding Life - 2019 Resolution - September Check In

Wow! A month already gone but that is life, we have to make the best of the time we have because before you know it, time has slipped passed us. Don`t put off what we can do today till tomorrow.

I make four resolutions, or goals, to accomplish each year. Some years I make it with all of them, some years I do not. Usually two are easy and two are hard.

I make a word, or phrase, of how I plan to be for the year and this year I have chosen " Dream it, Do It." I chose this because I am making my dreams come true a little at a time, the time to get them finished is now, year 2019!

Here are my 2019 resolutions :

1 - Reduce Spending By Half

Done. The only spending I did was for work materials. I also cut eating out by half.

100% accomplished.

2 - Reduce Stuff By Half

I am still working on this one, I knew it would be a slow process, after all it took a long time to get stuff.

I got finished with the garage and I threw away most all of what was there except work related items.

When I get the flower bed cleaned I will put out the last of the mulch and that will be out of the way as well.

100% accomplished.

3 - Set Up Sunshine`s Homestead Creations Store

Nope, not there just yet.

I am waiting on the thumbs up on one building, after that I can move forward. 

I have been working hard on the stock, after all you can`t open a store without content!

I am hoping my book will be available as part of the stock as well.

September I add a new line of products to the online store that I have tested over the summer. Check out what I have to offer at the online store : Sunshine`s Homestead Creations

 100% accomplished.

4 -  Cut Out Sweets - Kick diabetes ass!

After three months of the new 1200 calorie a day diet, well, its not really a diet I can eat what I want just keep it to 1200 calories and exercise more, I am doing better.

I know I should have lost a couple more pounds than I did, but I still was losing. So far I have lost 11 pounds when I should have lost about 13 pounds.

The sweets is still the problem, the craving.


I no longer crave pizza and many more high calorie foods. 

I am seeing a huge improvement with the blood sugar numbers, I am not in the 130`s fasting blood sugar, down from 170`s and up.

I am trying my best to get this under control, its extremely hard.

I know I can do better so this is just 75% accomplishment.

So, that is how I am doing with my 2019 new year resolutions, how are you doing with yours?

By Andria Perry
Photos By Andria Perry

Friday, September 27, 2019

My Minimal Hoarding Life - Seasonal Changes -Fall Cleaning!

The time has come! Fall cleaning, remember the Spring cleaning so we could have fun all summer? Well, its fall and all that fun that put the cleaning aside has built up and its time to get`er done before its cold and we are in for the winter.

Since the kids are back in school and we have had a couple weeks to get some energy back from summertime activities, lets get to work.

One thing that I tend to do first is the clothing, getting rid of the summer clothes that I didn`t wear and put away the ones I did and I love to wear. That means taking out the fall and winter clothing, once again purge! get rid of those maybe I will wear this and only keep what you love to wear, what makes you feel good wearing.

The summertime toys, yes those squirt guns and noodles, the sand buckets and shovels. Place a tub in the back of your storage area with a nice label "Summer toys" and move the wintertime toys/decor to the front.

Something I really have noticed this year is the cob webs, I mean they are there in the upper corners of the walls, I even spotted one in the door way! I am thinking what the hell? I try to wipe those once a month but this is now a weekly deal.

Straighten up the pantry and restock with healthy snacks and cold weather staples. Put the grilling tools up and pull out the chili/soup pots and the slow cookers/crock pots.

If you are a camper put the tents, fishing poles and sleeping bags away so that they are ready for next Summer.

Clean up the garage now before its to cold to care.

And last, the flower beds. Take out the annuls that look like death and either replace with fall mums or cold weather flowers, or simply add new mulch.

I think a week should have you in tip top shape and ready for the fall and wintertime. 

Photos by Andria Perry
Written by Andria Perry.