Wow! A month already gone but that is life, we have to make the best of the time we have because before you know it, time has slipped passed us. Don`t put off what we can do today till tomorrow.
I make four resolutions, or goals, to accomplish each year. Some years I make it with all of them, some years I do not. Usually two are easy and two are hard.
I have began to pick a word, or words, that I try to also apply to my life for the year. This year I chose the words "No Regrets" because I do not want to regret a single thing I go for this year, whether I make it all the way or I fail, I will learn either way and make myself better.
What are my resolutions?
1- Stop buying - Grow more
I can say that this month I did do better with the shopping, I have not bought as much foods as I have before, I have cooked more from the deep freezer and the stock pile, only buying lettuce and dairy.
I have not shopped for "things" other than supplies for Sunshine`s Homestead Creations and the rental houses.
Since its the fall of the year I am collecting greens from the garden and that is all I have left, I have yet to learn year round vegetable growing. I am beginning to get nuts also, I will, if possible clean and freeze those.
I have accomplished this 100% for October.
2 - Clear land - Set up rentals
I can say exactly what I said last month.
Nope. Just No.
Sure I think about it, daydream what it`ll look like but as far as action? No.
I knew this one would be a hard one to accomplish but hey! there are still two months left in this year.
100% fail.
3 - Clean, declutter and organize
Yes, I have been cleaning the house, I have kept the organization up and I know where things are that I use daily, however, I could get rid of more stuff.
I may actually have to add a shelf to the office because of the store stuff, but it does not sit, its always coming and going with each sell.
So yes 100% accomplishment for October.
4 - Take a vacation
Hmm, No.
I had planned to take one but a hurricane came and that blew that idea away.
I got two more months to take a few days vacation, maybe I can manage someone to come and check on the dogs.
100% fail but I tried.
That is how I am doing with this years resolutions, 10 months gone.
How are you doing for 2018?
By Andria Perry
Photos by Andria Perry