Tuesday, July 3, 2018

My Minimal Hoarding Life - 2018 June Resolution Check In

Wow! A month already gone but that is life, we have to make what we of time because before you know it, time has slipped passed us. Don`t put off what we can do today till tomorrow.

I make four resolutions, or goals, to accomplish each year. Some years I make it with all of them, some years I do not. Usually two are easier and two are harder.

I have began to pick a word, or words, that I try to also apply to my life for the year. This year I chose the words "No Regrets" because I do not want to regret a single thing I go for this year, whether I make it all the way or I fail, I will learn either way and make myself better.

What are my resolutions? 

1- Stop buying - Grow more

I have to say that this is a fail and an accomplishment all in one. 

Let me explain :

A few years ago I wanted to start a new business, I tried out a few jobs but was never satisfied and so that 2016 resolution was a fail. This is how resolutions work, what I want to accomplish this year may not happen till the next year or maybe two years later.

BUT.... the seed is planted because I know I wanted this to happen in the first place so its always there waiting to happen.

So I bought and I bought and bought more, sort of in stages as it came to me what to do. I will be opening up a store but I wont announce it just yet, I am still making the products and tallying up the costs to price each.

Grow more? Yes! I got a garden in and full of grass and blooms :)

So I will not call this a failure or an accomplishment.

2 - Clear land - Set up rentals

This is still in limbo, however, its not forgotten at all. I have been in conversations about clearing and setting up a place.  At the moment its about finding someone cheap enough to clean it off.

So still not done. 100% fail.

3 - Clean, declutter and organize

Yes I have been able to keep this up, even bring in the new stuff I have it organized. 

I am slacking on the cleaning at home, work is taking over this week for sure.

This one is a 70% accomplishment and 30% fail. Not to bad.

4 - Take a vacation

Nope! not even close! I have not had a day off in months, maybe years! 

I do make plans but they are not meant to be, this last week a storm came around and blew down trees, so I have to get those cut and I move them, that storm also blew away and chance to go anywhere this week.

100% fail, I intend to work on getting this one going, I need it more than any of the others.

That is how well I am doing with this years resolutions, or goals. How are yours coming along? 

By Andria Perry
Photo By Andria Perry