Wow! A month already gone but that is life, we have to make what we of time because before you know it, time had slipped passed us. Don`t put off what we can do today till tomorrow.
I make four resolutions, or goals, to accomplish each year. Some years I make it with all of them, some years I do not. Usually two are easier and two are harder.
I have began to pick a word, or words, that I try to also apply to my life for the year. This year I chose the words "No Regrets" because I do not want to regret a single thing I go for this year, whether I make it all the way or I fail, I will learn either way and make myself better.
What are my resolutions?
1- Stop buying - Grow more
Grow more? Sure why not?
At the moment I am growing inside, the house because I have an unheated greenhouse. I have blooming tomatoes that I will move outside in a couple weeks, into the unheated greenhouse. I have bell pepper plants, two different stages. Eggplants, cabbage, garlic and basil.
I am off to a good start.
Stop buying :
I have worked two jobs for just about the entire month so I did all the buying for the rental house as an investment.
I bought no newspapers for the coupons. However I still use coupons and I still get them from others.
I feel this resolution was a 100% accomplishment for the month of February.
2 - Clear land - Set up rentals
This resolution is one of the harder ones, I have not worked on this one at all, but I have done some of the thinking of how and what needs to be done.
First I have to get the county to do its job and clean out that ditch and the pipes. I have noticed that the rain water is just flooding my land! Since this piece of land goes from street to street I see one street has deep cleaned ditches and the street less used is being neglected. There is also a pipe that is needed, the county needs to run the pipe across my land and into the other streets ditches, this would stop all water from sitting and flooding my land.
What else I am seeing is that this stopped up drain pipe is causing the road to wash out and is making deep ruts in the road, maybe, just maybe they will fix that problem to save road repair.
So I am seeing a lot of talking this year to get this rain water directed appropriately, we`ll see how far I can get with this big problem.
I will say this is a 25% accomplishment because I am working on this mentally.
3 - Clean, declutter and organize
I got the so called "bomb" dropped on me the first day of the month that a tenant was moving and that meant I had to stop anything that is home related and go into full work mode. I had rented to this tenant before so I assumed just a good cleaning would be all that was needed but I was so wrong!
She left a couple truck loads of trash, one was just plastic so I recycled that. Three truck loads of toys, baby clothes and furniture. All was gave away as donations or to people, the trash went to the dump.
I did the minimal to keep my home going and it has taken a whole month to get this house back to ready to rent.
100% fail but that is okay, making a living come first.
4 - Take a vacation
I have thought about where I would like to go, I have several places in mind but I have not planned any vacations.
However, I did take a afternoon off and drove over to lake Harris and fished, enjoyed the peace and quiet. So I think I am trying to find a way to get gone on a vacation.
I still have to say I fail on this one all the way as well because till I actually leave and stay gone, its not really a vacation from home and the home worries.
There are my resolutions and how I have worked to make them happen/ or not happen for February.
How did you do this month?
By Andria Perry
Photos By Andria Perry